D&D Question: How to start a good sandbox campaign?

A sandbox campaign has no one central story. It’s a basket full of little stories, lots of little opportunities to wander about and do whatever. And the general wisdom seems to be that you start somewhere small, with a big map full of white space, and let the players wander about as they wish, and fill in the gaps as you go along.

So. How do you actually start? How many rumors and hooks should you invent and prep and dangle in front of the players on Day One? Or on Day Fifty?

Arthur Rackham

How much content/opportunity should the players have access to at any given time? Three rumors? Ten hooks?

What is the “right” amount of preparation? Is there a danger of over-prepping and creating a central story? Is there a danger of prepping too little and having the energy drain out of the whole thing?

Right now, I’m creating a small town surrounded by little dungeons and wildernesses. But how much is too much or too little? 

What do you think about this? Have you tried anything similar? Any suggestions or insights?

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Lessons Learned

This last campaign ran for 17 sessions over about 6 months, from level 5 to the end of level 7. We started with 5 players and ended with 6! No one died, though we came close a bunch of times. And we found friends and pets, proteges and mentors, dreams of the past and future, communions with angels and horrors, a terrifying creek, and one most excellent shovel.

Along the way, I tried a lot of things to make the campaign fun and interesting. Some worked. Some didn’t. Here are some things I learned.

Magic Items

I created 47 magic items, including a bunch of swords and armor, books and rings, eyeballs and gauntlets. For the most part, the designs were fine. Although a few times I had to tweak the language after the fact to balance them. 

Good Idea: Most of the items required Attunement, so the players had to agonize about which cool things to attune to and which to put away.

Bad Idea: The items kept getting more powerful, which made the PCs more powerful, which required the enemies to be more powerful, and so on. This arms race proved to be a major headache. In the future, I hope to keep the items a bit simpler. I will focus on “interesting utility” and not “devastating power”. One of the most popular items was the Master Shovel, which simply cast the Mold Earth cantrip!


I do not enjoy running combat at high levels. Everyone has a ton of abilities and spells, so they each take longer to read their sheets and make decisions. That includes both players and monsters. This is slow and boring, the exact opposite of what combat should feel like!

Good Idea: I adopted Matt Colville’s “action oriented design” principles to make my baddies easier to run, and to keep them interesting. I also tried to make the landscape dynamic, such as moving shafts of sunlight in a vampire battle.

Bad Idea: By the end of the campaign, I was trying to make battles that would challenge six PCs at Level 7. Each player had a minimum of one action and one bonus action and a maximum of 4-5 attacks per turn!!! Running a straight-up battle of attrition was just a slog of tearing through bags of hit points, even with dynamic battlefields or lair actions or legendary actions, etc. I personally found it fatiguing to run, and I worried constantly that it was boring for the non-active players to watch.

Monster Design

I love inventing unique and flavorful monsters. I often took a standard creature and changed it to reflect something about the story, such as having Apex and Common werewolves, and four types of vampires, and dozens of other undead.

Good Idea: As mentioned above, I used Colville’s action-oriented design to write my monster stat blocks. This simplified everything. I had two Actions (melee and ranged), one Reaction (backlash), and one Feature (like walking on walls). I also got rid of the normal Resistances and Skills, and just gave each one an Immunity. With 13 types of damage and a pile of Conditions, it was just easier to decide that every creature was immune to one or two things.

Bad Idea: I ran a lot of different types of battles, but the recurring mistake (especially toward the end) was to have a single Big Bad fighting a party of 5-6 heroes. The action economy was just brutal. The best battles had a group of baddies, all moving around and doing different things. Unfortunately, toward the end, many of my battles were plot points, so it didn’t make sense for a whole bunch of baddies to show up.


I made tons of NPCs! Good guys, bad guys, and weird guys galore. I really enjoy roleplay and doing voices, and I think my players really like meeting memorable weirdos. 

Good Idea: To make my NPCs unique and memorable, I often based them on the characters from TV shows. Inspirations in this campaign included Brooklyn 99, What We Do In The Shadows, and Schitt’s Creek.

Bad Idea: Because this was a dark and gothic campaign, a lot of the NPCs had tragic backstories. They were grim and sad people. They were not super friendly or eager to help the party. This made the PCs less inclined to form positive relationships with the “good guys”. On the other hand, the villains were more flamboyant and complex, which made the PCs more conflicted about fighting them. By the end of the campaign, I think this muddle of feelings led to a less triumphant-feeling climax.

Dreams and Side Stories

Most of my players had complex backstories connected to religion. To support those themes, I gave the PCs frequent dreams from their deities to give them hints and insights to guide their choices, which they really enjoyed. It felt personal and unique. A few times, they wanted to take a rest just in the hope of having more dreams!

Good Idea: Make each player feel special and unique.

Bad Idea: Try to keep track of 5 completely unrelated personal stories, cramming a bunch of those subplots into a session with 1-2 combats plus a central group story. In the future, assuming I continue to have a large group, I hope to wrangle them into having a smaller number of subplots that involve the PCs in pairs or threes.

Railroads and Sandboxes

I wrote this campaign as a railroady sandbox. That means I designed a big area full of stuff, but I made it all slightly connected around a Central Tension (the threat of the vampires). So the players could wander around in any direction, and the world evolved in response to their choices and actions. But as things moved forward, they were gently being corralled into a confrontation with the vampires.

Good Idea: I wrote a ton of locations, NPCs, items, and events at the beginning of the campaign, so later they could change their mind at any moment and I was always prepared with something cool to do.

Bad Idea: While there were lots of ways for our story to play out (working with the vampire hunters, the shapeshifters, the vampire factions, etc.), it was always destined to end in a confrontation with the vampire queen. This meant the campaign felt more railroady because as it progressed I had less and less fresh material to show. This made me more inclined to point them toward my foregone conclusion.

That’s all for now. Hopefully you find some of these notes useful for your own campaign design and planning.

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Desert Angel Fiasco: Family Edition One-Shot

My daughters demanded that we play D&D last night, so I grabbed my homebrew quick-start character sheets and a copy of Desert Angel Fiasco, and we had a fantastic 2-hour game!


  • Wreckya the mind-reading Fighter
  • Violet the weather-weaving Beast Master
  • Elise the astral Assassin


The team was hired by Captain Ava to provide security on the maiden flight of the Desert Angel, a prototype flying ship about to cross the Great Sand Sea for the first time. In addition to the crew, there were two merchants and a pilgrim on board.

Day One

Violet succeeded on the first Sailing Check and guided the captain around a dangerous patch of Sand Fleas hiding in the dunes.

A few hours later, they spotted an oasis and asked the captain to stop so they could investigate. Elise found two human skeletons by the water and took their silver rings. Violet noticed a dangerous beast in the water and bravely ran away as the Oasis Scorpion lunged up at them!

Late in the afternoon, Wreckya saw a tall rock spire ahead with a fire flickering in a cave and a metallic shine on top. Violet sent her tiny flying narwhal Natalie to retrieve the silver mirror from the top, which Elise promptly took for herself. The cook Naveed did not want to risk getting close to the rocks.

Wreckya had the captain come close, and then she fired the ship’s ballista up into the rocks near the cave so they could climb a rope to investigate. Elise floated up in her astral form and discovered two dangerous people with some strange contraptions. Using Natalie as a distraction, Elise and Violet attacked the bandits (in dismayingly brutal fashion). They learned that the strange devices were hang gliders and these two planned to rob the Desert Angel after nightfall! Who hired them? The cook Naveed! The girls took the gliders and the ship set sail again.

That night… nothing happened, because the thieves had been dealt with.

Day Two

The captain sighted the Dead Sun Massif and Violet used Natalie to scout around and find the best canyons to fly through. They grazed a stone arch, damaging the mast. Then they sped past a giant hornet nest unharmed. And finally Violet helped the captain to navigate through a tunnel of deadly kyraptors, emerging with 50 GP worth of precious guano!

The Desert Angel flew out of the massif over a huge blue impact crater. Below them stretched a dark city around a golden pyramid. The city teemed with zombies!

Wreckya asked the pilgrim Lev Meyer if he knew about this place, and he revealed that these were solar zombies. So they convinced the captain to drop anchor until nightfall, and then snuck into the city. They dashed by the solar zombies, now lying harmless on the ground. Inside the golden pyramid, the solar traps were disarmed and they met the mummy queen Varrani Hagar. Elise helped the queen write a poem about rain, and won a golden cat statue. They convinced the queen to join them, and returned to the ship just as the captain was about to raise anchor and leave.

That night, a deadly sandstorm rose in the south. But Violet used her storm-weaver powers to hold the danger at bay.

Day Three

As the ship flew toward its final destination, a dark shape fell flaming out of the sky. A dying phoenix! It crashed into the sails and appeared to die. But as the sailors were sweeping the ashes overboard, Violet rescued the newborn baby phoenix and became its mommy. Soon after, they arrived in the western town of Khervik, successfully completing the maiden voyage of the Desert Angel!

DM Notes

This is a great one-shot adventure to run with any group of players to fit into any time-frame. You can pick and choose what encounters to use or leave out, depending on your needs. For instance, I left out the stranded cultist, the mutiny by the quartermaster, the sabotage by the spice merchant, the horror monster in the cargo, and the attack by the silk merchant, to name a few. Everyone had a great time!

FYI – The homebrew tools I used are a modified version of World of Dungeons, which I call World of Dungeon Age. It uses the PbtA 2d6 system, four stats, no classes or levels, and a bunch of homebrewed abilities that you can pick and choose to create a unique hero. It only takes 5 minutes to make a character and get started, which seems perfect for my family games with the kids.

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #17

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes climbed up into Castle Torescu, destroyed the Court of the Damned, and defeated the vampire knight Adrian in the snowy courtyard, and now they are surrounded and outnumbered…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer (7)
  • Drew the Eldritch Knight (7)
  • Hugo the Time Wizard (6), Cleric (1)
  • Lobelia the Vampire
  • Rainen the Beast Master Ranger (5), Druid (2)
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker Ranger (6), Rogue (1)

A Short Rest

When last we left our heroes, they had just (barely) defeated the vampire knight Adrian and retreated into a small turret to hide and heal. Dragodai pointed out that they left a mess out in the courtyard, including footprints in the snow, and it was only a matter of minutes before the vampire soldiers found them. The team cast Tiny Hut upstairs on a bed and covered the magic dome in silk pajamas, hoping to get a Short Rest before they were found.

Minutes passed. Soldiers shouted in the courtyard, and entered the turret, and entered the bedroom! But they left. 

And then they returned with a small wizened vampire wearing an iron crown over his eyes. This mage dispelled the Tiny Hut, revealing the party. Dragodai asked how much time they needed to rest. Eight minutes! He would buy them those minutes.

The party sat and listened as Dragodai, in wolf form, ran outside with his magic sword and battled the vampire soldiers alone. By the time the Rest was complete, it was silent outside.

Through the Looking Glass

The party emerged to find the courtyard littered with dead vampire ashes. They decided to circle around the castle keep to the south and glanced in the gray tower. Silent and empty. Inside they found evidence of a vampire barracks. On the top floor they found Adrian’s bedroom and magic mirror

Hugo and Ward stepped through the mirror and found themselves in the Naduum Forge back down in the Ruby City. They met three dwarves, and three mechanical animals. Lars, Godfrey, and Zuzka were hard at work for Adrian and the Queen. Hugo and Ward bartered for the newly finished armor for the queen, giving up two magic weapons for it.

Back in the gray tower, they gave the spiky, curvaceous (and cursed) armor to Drew.

Black Hatch

Outside, it was still silent. They headed toward the black tower and passed a large black iron hatch in the south wall. It was trapped, so they decided to move on.

Around the corner, they found the body of Dragodai torn in half beside the corpse of the giant man Ambrose. The dhampir’s magic sword stood in the giant’s eye. Drew took the sword.

Black Tower

Inside the queen’s tower, they passed a guard room and found a chamber filled with sharp silvery webbing. Four phase spiders descended from the ceiling, but the party ran through to conserve their resources.

Upstairs they found a cheery room full of arts and crafts projects. From a shelf, a porcelain doll began to giggle and taunt them as Hugo took a candle that smelled like cookies. The doll proved to be the trapped soul of Roxana Vanator, wife of Armand the vampire hunter! Asmund sacrificed one of his holy fingers to free her soul.

At the top of the tower, they found a luxurious bedroom. A dozen weeping priests of Virune lay on the floor. The iron-crowned mage Father Tyran sat on a gleaming throne. And the vampire queen Dragoslava Torescu lay on the bed, playing with her bristling steel whip.

The queen asked the party to leave, several times. She also revealed her master plan was to entice the angel Virune to come save these priests, at which time she would drink the blood of the angel to become divine!

And so, the party put on their game faces, and attacked! The queen used blood magic to force the priests to form a human shield wall, and she summoned her dread wyvern outside to flood the room with necrotic fumes, and she wielded her deadly whip. But the party bulldozed through the priests, tore Father Tyran to pieces, and then slaughtered Queen Dragoslava.

As she died, Lobelia lost her vampiric powers and fell off the ceiling. She was human! Everyone was human! The curse was lifted! The land was saved!


We then went around the table and described what happened in the days and weeks that followed. Most of the ex-vampires returned north to rebuild their homes, but some stayed in the castle to make a new life. 

The party discovered the Black Road from Castle Torescu through the mountains back to the south lands. In that long dark tunnel, they encountered a miserable one-eyed seeker. They took the creature back to Torescu, where Asmund used the last of his holy fingers to restore this cursed person, revealing…Hugo’s mother! But Hugo was strangely unmoved by her restoration.

  • Lobelia, inspired by her time with the party, resolved to begin training as a real adventurer. 
  • Asmund, his quest for revenge complete, chose to stay in the north and protect the peoples there. 
  • Hugo gave up any interest in returning home, wanting to continue his mad search for arcane power. 
  • Drew returned home to get revenge on the man who got him arrested, but then returned to Vulgoth to establish a Justice Guild for heroes.
  • Ward returned home to establish a Ranger Guild, and to rekindle the worship of the angel Kasimah.
  • Rainen returned home to see her family, and then vanished into the forest to live in the wilds, protecting her ever-growing family of wolves.

And that’s where we ended.

DM Notes

This was a pretty good session. We managed to explore and discover new places, and meet a bunch of new NPCs, as well as finish the final battle and wrap up with our epilogues. 

I was a bit disappointed in myself for how I ran the final battle. I thought that the queen + tyran + priests + wyvern would be enough, but it absolutely wasn’t! At the very least, I should have included some vampire soldiers, if not the last vampire knight Nicoletta, and maybe even Doctor Godwin, all crammed together. But maybe that would have been bad too, perhaps too bloated and forced, making for a long slog of a battle. It’s hard to say.

At any rate, the campaign is complete, we had a great time, and everyone was very happy. We spent an hour just talking about all the little things that happened (and didn’t happen) and I revealed a few secrets about what they didn’t find or do. 

We will spend the next couple of weeks discussing ideas for the next campaign, which will be a test-bed for various ways to tweak the game. More on that later!

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D&D Experiment: A whole campaign at Level 3

I don’t like super-heroic gameplay. I prefer more “realistic” danger and challenges. As a real human, I understand the real danger of real things like the dark, and the cold, and hunger, and predators my own size. Dragons and angels and vampires are great in so many ways, as patrons and forces of nature and storytelling devices… but not as things you hit with a sword. You know?

I understand that this is all a matter of personal taste. It probably stems from growing up on sword-and-sorcery stories where the heroes seemed to be in real danger, and people died, and things went wrong a lot. Also, no matter how big and strong Conan was, he always felt like a real person who could be tricked or beaten (and often was!). 

Illustration of a scene in Robert E. Howard’s “Red Nails”: this picture was first published in Weird Tales (July 1936, vol. 28, no. 1).

I’m just not enthused about heroes with lots of super-abilities and a sack full of magic, and the threats are all as super-human as the hero. It feels too unreal to me. It may look cool, but it doesn’t feel…well, it doesn’t feel like anything at all. A person or situation feels more heroic to me when the person is just a person, and they have to rely on human knowledge, skills, strength, and character to confront great challenges.

So, as my current campaign winds down, I’m thinking about ways to capture (and maintain) the sword-and-sorcery feel that I want without completely changing the system my table is playing. (We’re using D&D 5E, with DnDBeyond tools. And yes, I know, there are other games that might give me what I want, but just go with me on this.)

To get that S&S feeling, my idea is: Play the whole campaign at Level 3. 

Why Level 3?

Level 3 gives everyone their key abilities. They can feel like capable fighters and wizards. But they will never level up! Never increase their Hit Points, never auto-magically acquire new abilities or spells or spell slots. So in order to have their characters grow and evolve, they will need to adventure!

  • Find stuff! Wands, grimoires, potions
  • Take risks! Drink from or bathe in weird fountains, make deals with NPCs
  • Invest time! Work to upgrade a sword, earn a spirit’s blessing
  • Get messy! Harvest materials from monsters

My hope would be that every session would include 1-3 minor discoveries or upgrades to reward adventuring behavior. And hopefully the players would feel like they really earned their power-ups this way, instead of getting them automatically via XP and levels.

What do you think about this? Have you tried anything similar? Any suggestions or insights?

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #16

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes made a new friend, discovered the Ruby City of the vampires, defeated a Medusa, freed an Apex Werewolf (and set him loose on said city of vampires), and met a very sexy new NPC…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer (7)
  • Drew the Eldritch Knight (7)
  • Hugo the Time Wizard (6), Cleric (1)
  • Lobelia the Vampire
  • Rainen the Beast Master Ranger (5), Druid (2)
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker Ranger (6), Rogue (1)

Court of the Damned

The dhampir prince Dragodai Torescu led the party up a spiral stair around a vast bottomless pit. Every few minutes, a stranger fell screaming into the abyss. At the top of the stairs, they found a gang of Torescu vampires hold mock trials of the Rukesti vampires, and hurling them to their dooms.

Dragodai led the charge, misty-stepping away as his magic sword began decapitating the guards. The party ran up to help. At one perilous moment, a vampire shoved Asmund back to the brink of the pit with a spear, leaving him tottering above the abyss. But Drew slaughtered the guard and pulled Asmund back to safety.

In a final moment of violent teamwork, Rainen froze the evil Magistrate, Ward riddled him with flaming arrows, and Lobelia tore him to pieces.

Unsettling Ballroom

Dragodai led the party into a huge echoing hall, once covered in baroque decorations, now dark and abandoned. Mostly. Two dozen small black figures squatted in a circle, surrounded by strange giant hollow lumps. As the figures chanted, a swirling vortex formed on the floor and a giant crab claw began to rise up.

The dhampir merely growled and headed for another door. The party slowly followed, choosing to ignore whatever this was.

Shattered Dining Room

They entered yet another massive, echoing hall filled with trash and debris. Shattered chandeliers lay in heaps. The huge skull of a dread wyvern hung from the ceiling in chains. Dragodai swore. It was his wyvern Creed, apparently slaughtered in the last century while he was in prison.

Hugo spotted a magic sword in a corpse, and pulled it out. This was Slava’s Mirrorblade, able to reflect spells back at the caster. No one was keen to equip it, and no one was interested in the body.

Courtyard Blitz

Dragodai kicked open the doors to the outer courtyard and stalked off to the right. Everyone else emerged into the gloomy winter morning. Right in front of them, they spotted Bianca (the were-bear) dragging a dead Rosette Vanator (the vampire hunter) toward the castle gates. Broken gargoyles lay all around, but three more gargoyles were tearing into Bianca.

The team rushed to save Bianca. Ward and Drew smashed the gargoyles left and right. Hugo ran after Dragodai, trying to get him to slow down and help. The dhampir sent his flying sword to slash the gargoyles apart, but he kept walking, intent on finding and killing his mother, the queen.

“Who is making all this racket?” A vampire in heavy plate armor strode into the courtyard. Asmund froze. This was the vampire knight who killed his parents!

You killed my father, prepare to die!

The team quickly finished off the gargoyles and converged on the vampire knight, Adrian. The knight drew out a huge red sword and began slashing everyone to pieces. Then he used the sword to pull the blood out of their open wounds to heal himself. Lobelia leapt onto his shoulders and bit his neck, tasting blood for the first time. She loved it!

Adrian threw Lobelia off and Charmed her to join him, but Asmund quickly freed her. Lobelia began trying to Charm him back, but he defied her.

Frustrated at being surrounded, Adrian summoned his dread wyvern Mercy to rain down fire, again and again. Everyone was looking badly injured. And then… Lobelia Charmed the vampire knight!

With a few clever words, Lobelia convinced Adrian that he shouldn’t be wasting his time out here fighting when he had a whole army back in his tower. So he promptly transformed into a bat to go yell at his soldiers.

And then Ward used his ring of Control Bats to make Adrian turn around and fly back down to into Asmund’s glowing, holy hand. Asmund pressed his holy power into the vampire bat, and the creature instantly turned back into an armored man.

A human man!

Clumsy and weak, the human Adrian rolled around the ground, barely able to stand in his heavy armor. Sasha promptly knocked him on his face. But Mercy was flying in for another blaze of dragon-fire. So Rainen hid herself and Sasha in a magic bubble, and Mercy poured down fire on the party. Everyone survived, barely, except for Adrian. The vampire knight was reduced to ash!

And the team picked up his vampiric, sentient Bloodrazor sword.

Bravely run away

With everyone on the verge of death, Dragodai finally relented and turned back. He asked the party which of the vampire knights were dead, and they said Lucien and Adrien. So the prince led them to the brown turret where Lucien used to live. (They also spotted the giant man from the potion-tower standing outside the white tower across the courtyard!)

Inside, they found a small stage for musical performances, and a bedroom filled with silk pajamas below a mirrored ceiling. Hugo also found a cursed ravenwolf hat, which he gave to Asmund. The sorcerer used another charge of his holy hand to burn away the curse and kept the furry, feathered hat.

Hugo set up a protective bubble on the stage and everyone collapsed to take a short rest (maybe).

And that’s where we stopped.

DM Notes

This was a good session, but it felt off for me. We got a late start, and then I had to hit pause to handle a family matter, so the whole feel of the evening was a little wonky for me personally. The Court of the Damned felt like a good way to introduce “a place full of vampires” and also to show off Dragodai’s skills. I was a little bummed that no one wanted to check out the chanting figures summoning the giant crab, or the dead body with the mirror sword, but that’s all good.

But then we got to a great combat. Adrian and Mercy were dynamic and dangerous, and nearly killed a couple PCs. And everyone seemed really satisfied with the cool teamwork that led to Asmund avenging his parents’ murders.

I tried to keep Dragodai from being too social or helpful. I didn’t want the super cool NPC to take center stage right at the end of the campaign, right? So I played him as very angry and focused on his mother, and annoyed by the weakness or goals of the party. That seemed to be a good balance.

Next time…? I don’t know, next time might be the Vampire Queen!

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #15

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes battled their way across a small creek, discovered an abandoned mining camp infested with angry man-bats, and burgled some potions from an alchemist and her huge manservant in a lonely tower, before escaping into an old mine…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer (7)
  • Drew the Eldritch Knight (7)
  • Hugo the Time Wizard (6), Cleric (1)
  • Lobelia the Vampire
  • Rainen the Beast Master Ranger (5), Druid (2)
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker Ranger (6), Rogue (1)

Strangers in the dark

As they proceeded into the mine, they noticed the glittering red dust on the walls and floor. As they approached the first branch in the old tunnel, they saw a person walking ahead of them. The woman was clearly a vampire. She said she was Lobelia, and her family had died at Rukesti. Now she had come south seeking revenge against the vampires. The party welcomed her aboard.

They turned right at the fork, and then left at the next fork, and found a narrow crack in the wall that led to a dazzling underground city made entirely of huge rubies. Hugo cast his dome to protect them while they slept in the mine, and in the morning Drew used his magic shovel to clear a wider path into the city. There were only miner (wordplay!) injuries from the flying rocks and debris.

Urva Ruvena, the Ruby City

Bathed in red light, the Ruby City glowed in a vast cavern. Thousands of vampires teemed through the streets. Lobelia recognized some as friends and neighbors from Rukesti. She was shocked that so many were “alive”. Hugo also noted that some of the vampires wore black smocks and seemed to be hard at work, building the city. Ward managed to keep his wyvern-spirit under control, so he did not transform and attack the vampires.

Asmund looked around for landmarks or a way up to the castle. He spotted a massive forge, a black pyramid, and a stone arch. After a quick debate, the team decided to try the stone arch. As they came closer, they could hear a man screaming and a beast howling from the arch.

Lobelia transformed into a bat and flew down the steps beyond the arch to scout around. She saw several barred prison cells and a single guard, a woman with a snake tail and snakes for hair. 

Into the Silverhold Oubliette

Drew marched down the stairs with great confidence and told the snake-woman that her shift was over and she was to go see the queen. The Medusa was surprised and suspicious, but also a bit excited. She wanted confirmation. “Who sent you?” Drew said he was sent by one of the black-smocked workers in the city. She called his bluff, and attacked.

Hugo realized the danger of being petrified and told everyone to avert their gaze. Drew rushed in to hack and slash. Asmund strode up to her, reached out with his holy gauntlet, and tried to befriend her by demanding her name, but this was too strange and hostile for her. 

Rainen rushed into the prison and in one cell she found a werewolf howling on a stone block, lashed down with silver wire. Lobelia sauntered in and watched from the corner, and then sauntered up the wall and watched from the ceiling.

Hugo froze the Medusa for a moment and Drew went to another cell to see a young man lashed to a table with silver wire, screaming in pain. Drew then began battering the Medusa and tried to put her to Sleep, but instead he dropped his ally Asmund unconscious. After a few more attacks, Drew tried again and the Medusa fell asleep! And Hugo kicked Asmund to wake him up.

There was a short debate about what to do with the Medusa. Asmund decided to touch her with his holy hand. In a few seconds, the Medusa transformed back into a human woman! They woke her, and she slowly recovered from her shock of being healed. 

Her name was Aurelia, and she explained that the vampire queen Dragoslava had killed her family and turned her into a monster to guard her prisoners. Aurelia begged them to escape. The queen is too powerful to fight!

The Howling Beast

Rainen and Drew entered the cell with the howling werewolf and freed him from the silver wires. Rainen healed him and he quickly recovered. The giant white Apex Werewolf named Kveldulf growled out his thanks and demanded that they start killing vampires together.

Rainen tried to refocus him on just hunting down the queen Dragoslava. Outside his cell, this huge werewolf saw the vampire Lobelia. The team quickly convinced him that some vampires were victims and should not be harmed.

To help convince Kveldulf, they called Ward (their own resident shapeshifter) to come down into the prison and talk to him. Kveldulf recognized the scent of a fellow shifter. Ward explained that it was definitely hard to ignore the foul scent of the undead in the air, but it was possible to control their urges and focus on the mission. “I know it’s hard,” he said, “But if I can keep a cool head with a whole city of vampires right up those steps behind me, then I’m sure you can…”

Kveldulf went blind with rage and ran up the steps.

Moments later, the vampires began screaming.

Lobelia went after him, worried for her friends. Kveldulf tore many vampires to pieces, but as panic set in, they started turning into bats and fleeing up into the shadows of the cavern’s roof. The werewolf rampaged through the city, hunting the vampires.

The Screaming Prisoner

Aurelia, the former Medusa, explained that the screaming man in the last cell was Dragodai Torescu, the queen’s son. She imprisoned him many years ago. Hugo rigged the cell so he could free the handsome young vampire from the torture table while standing outside the door. As soon as the silver wires were gone, the vampire began to heal.

Rainen called out that they had come to kill the queen.

The beautiful vampire prince Dragodai immediately misted through the bars of his cell and appeared beside them. “Then let’s not waste time.” He held out his hand and his magic longsword came crashing through the Ruby City and flew into his hand. He gestured to the stairs. “Shall I lead, or would you like to?”

And that’s where we ended.

DM Notes

This was a super session. Meeting Lobelia the vampire (played by our newest player) went great. It was good to inject some fresh tragedy and darkness into the team. They’ve been too happy lately!

They navigated through the mines easily (there was a 50% chance of Something Bad happening, so they got lucky) and found the Ruby City quickly. Lobelia provided some emotional complexity as she agonized over the discovery of her undead friends, but was also excited by her newfound vampire powers. 

The battle with the Medusa was pretty one-sided for a party of Level 7 heroes, but since they wanted to befriend her it turned into a weird dance of freezing people and Sleeping people that was pretty fun. And for the second game in a row, they didn’t kill the baddie! Healing the Medusa was an exciting revelation for Asmund.

For a moment, it looked like Kveldulf would be their big ally against the vampires, but they lost control of his attention and he ran off. Will he prove a good distraction for them? So then they turned to the vampire prince, and it seems like he will be a great ally instead. Or at least a sexy one!

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #14

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes dredged up an old vampire, found the smoking ruins of Rukesti, battled many vampires, and founds many magical treasures, before heading back south to face the vampire lords…

Play time: 4.5 hours


  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer (7)
  • Drew the Eldritch Knight (7)
  • Hugo the Time Wizard (6), Cleric (1)
  • Rainen the Beast Master Ranger (5), Druid (2)
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker Ranger (6), Rogue (1)

Round 3 with the creek

The party awoke in a dark, snowy spot in the woods. Rainen rose from a dream of monkeys fighting in a mountain hot spring, wondering what it meant. For a few minutes, the group discussed their goals. Fight the vampires? Sneak past the vampires? Risk taking the road controlled by the Temple? They resolved to push south to Castle Torescu and risk the vampires in their search for the Black Road through the mountains.

Heading out, they made slow time through the gloomy, snowy woods. Soon they found the partly frozen banks of the Little Fang Creek, their ancient nemesis. Ward froze a path across the water and the team tried to cross. They all slipped and fell into the icy waters. Again. (Except for Drew, who misty-stepped across.) After much swimming and struggling, they reached the far shore, dried off, and continued south.

Rainen noticed a huge swarm of bats swirling through the trees, also heading south.


Late in the afternoon, they arrived at the abandoned mining camp of Narat. The snow mostly obscured the old cottages and tents. Only the stone tower looked intact. Drew revealed that the Oracle had given him visions of this place, and he wanted the green potion from the tower.

They approached the tower and heard some muffled sounds within the old cottages. Drew cleared a path to the door, allowing several huge but clumsy bat-like men to stumble out into the half-light. These were the man-bats that the vampire Lucien had created and was trying to teach to fly.

The ensuing battle was quick and bizarre. Hugo slowed several man-bats, and Ward used Lucien’s ring to command two of them to stop fighting. One man-bat grabbed Drew and flew a short distance straight up to drop him on his head. But the party brought their spells and silver weapons to bear, and tore the undead creatures to pieces.

They kept one alive for questioning. They named this man-bat Wuce Brayne and demanded information about the tower. But the creature merely knew that two humans lived inside and he was supposed to guard them.

Into the tower

Rainen transformed into a squirrel and scampered up to look inside the room at the top of the tower. She saw a laboratory full of books and glassware, and potions! Also a stern woman in black and a large man sleeping on a large bed. Ward picked the lock on the heavy door and ventured into the tower with Drew. But they stepped on a metal grate and were electrocuted.

Heavy footsteps echoed from above, and soon an extremely large man covered in ugly scars began walking down. He demanded they leave. He threatened to throw them out.

The team shouted up that they wanted the green potion, and were willing to trade a magic knife for it. The large man seemed to briefly consider their offers, but he was unwilling to give up the potion and suspicious of them in general. By the time he reached the bottom of the stairs, it was clear there would be a fight.

Fighting without fighting

Drew successfully cast Fear on the big man, and used that effect to herd the man out of the tower. Outside, Ward hurled daggers and fired magic arrows, but most of his shots bounced harmlessly off the man’s chest. The giant (not a Giant, but you know) began hurling bricks, which proved very effective and Ward ran away. Meanwhile, Rainen began climbing back up the tower in the form of a spider.

Asmund teleported and ran up the stairs and found the woman preparing a bandolier of potions. He turned invisible and sneaked into the room, and found the green potion. As his companions ran up the stairs to join him, Asmund banished the woman to the Shadowfell. With her gone, Rainen jumped into the room and they began pouring all of the potions into vials so they could run off with them.

Hugo looked around the lab, noted that the books were all about nature and not about magic, and lost interest. Asmund ran back down with the potions, followed by Hugo. Drew ran up to the lab, destroyed everything with a Thunderwave, discovered a chest full of women’s fancy clothes, and then ran back down with Rainen.

One by one, they all ran out into the snow past the large man. Asmund took a brick to the head, but kept his wits about him. Moments later, the entire group had dashed away across the snow field and arrived at the entrance to the abandoned mine at the base of the mountain.

With no sign of pursuit, they decided to try the potions. Hugo identified many of them as acid, cold, and fire concoctions. But three vials contained something… mutagenic.

Drew drank two of the vials, and Ward drank one.

The strange brew caused Drew to vastly increase his Strength and Dexterity and speed, as well as making him grow 18 inches taller! Ward however shrank 3 inches and became a bit slower than before. Both men lost Charisma, but gained some elemental immunities.

And that’s where we ended.

DM Notes

Everyone loved this session! Apparently they really enjoy falling into that creek, over and over again. The combat with the man-bats was a good example of enemies with interesting abilities (bite, scream, and drop) that were dangerous, but didn’t take too long to kill. Plus the team once again showed a lot of creativity in that fight.

The encounter at the tower was great. I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get more interactions with the mad scientist woman or her giant test-subject companion. The players tried to blame me (me!) for starting the combat, and I had to point out that they broke into these (bad) people’s home and started making weird demands without much pretense. This was pretty much a recipe for starting a fight, I think.

The non-fight was a ton of fun, again showcasing a lot of creativity with Rainen’s shapeshifting, Asmund’s banishment, and everyone’s general sneakiness. They got the potions and escaped with minimal harm. Plus the baddies lived! They might show up again one day!

And the big climax was Drew and Ward taking the potions. This involved making seven d6 rolls to see how the potions would change their Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Movement, Height, and Immunities. They odds in each case were in favor of some improvement but with a small risk of getting worse, and they managed to roll “worse” quite a few times. But since the fighter ended up with massive strength and dex, and seven and a half feet tall, everyone seemed pretty satisfied.

Next time, into the mines in search of the vampire castle and the Black Road to freedom!

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Orbital Vampire Tower: New adventure on DriveThruRPG

There is a new one-shot Dungeon Age adventure for sale on DTRPG, and it is Pay What You Want for the rest of May. Go get Orbital Vampire Tower right now before the price locks in.

The Pitch

The ancient world of Harth withers beneath its dying sun…but it’s not dead yet.

High in the night sky, a vampire’s tower is torn apart by a rampaging angel. People and monsters are trapped. Magical treasure lies scattered everywhere.

It’s all yours for the taking, if you can find a way out before the angel finds you.

This adventure is a one-shot dungeon-delve into a wizard’s tower. In space. With vampires. This is an alien-survival-horror-movie of an adventure (or at least, you can choose to play it that way).

  • This adventure is intended for low-level characters (around level 3). 
  • It is focused mostly on exploration, with several social encounters and opportunities for deadly combat.
  • It runs 3 to 5 hours.
  • There are 17 unique magical items, 17 unique monsters, and 17 unique rooms. I swear I did not plan that, it just worked out this way.

Play tests

Other Notes

Thank you to everyone who has already downloaded Orbital Vampire Tower, and double thanks to everyone generous enough to pay full price this week, and triple thanks to the customer who already played it and posted a review!

I have lots of ideas for other one-shots and campaigns this year, but I’m going to take a little break to work on the next Dungeon Age novel in my continuing quest to channel Jack Vance, Fritz Lieber, and Michael Moorcock into my writing.

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One Shot: Orbital Vampire Tower (party)

Play time: 4.5 hours


  • Gryme the Lizardfolk Alchemist (3)
  • Lavender the Elf Bladesinger (3)
  • Ukrog the Minotaur Barbarian (3)
  • Sven the Human Swarm Ranger (3)

Ruins in the woods

After a light week of standard adventuring (killing goblins, I assume), the party woke and got on the road. Deep in the forest, they stumbled upon a strange white stone platform covered in runes, wrapped in ivy and moss. They stepped onto the platform and touched the small pillar at its center.

Instantly, they were all teleported to a dark room. As their eyes adjusted to the dim flicking light, they saw stone walls covered in slash marks and torn paintings. They stood on another round white stone, only this one’s control pillar had been smashed off. They were trapped! Looking out the single doorway, they saw a chamber with a spiral staircase and several other doors.

Slimy and scared

They slipped over to a door that had been slashed and torn open. Inside, the dying lantern revealed a floor covered in warm syrup, a table of vials, and several large smashed cylinders. Gryme quickly identified and pocketed several potions of healing and enlargement. They then inspected the cylinders and found each contained a dead man, all with similar faces but different types of skin. One cylinder was empty. One held a live fellow.

The live fellow was naked, shivering, and covered in slime. He said his name was Rev, and he seemed to have no memories. The team took him with them.


Next they pounded on a locked door. A voice inside said to go away. But when the party mentioned that they had a young man covered in slime, the door opened to reveal a skeleton surgeon, Doctor Mahkoi. The doctor was gruff and unfriendly, and mostly concerned with protecting young Rev on behalf of his master, Revelius Onar. The team saw a lot of blood spattered inside the room, and reluctantly let Rev stay with the skeleton, who offered him a lollipop.

More messes

Ukrog looked inside another smashed room and found three narrow cots and three destroyed lockers. Inside there was some clothing and one very nasty cat. He roared at the cat and it ran away, slipping and falling down the stairs. They left the clothes in the hall for Rev and moved on.

In the next room, they found some smashed furniture, a broken stone arm, and a large round window. Outside they saw a vast starry night and a single gray object slowly floating.

Going up

On the next floor, they went through yet another smashed door and found a nice lounge with three curtains. Behind the first curtain they found a damaged illusion of a snowy mountain, which Lavender briefly explored. Behind the next curtain appeared to be a hallway to a tavern, but they did not go in.

The last curtain revealed a damaged illusion of a sunny beach. Everyone went down to the water to explore and relax. Lavender and Ukrog put on some old-fashion bathing suits, and Lavender found a Ring of Gills. Gryme tried to swim out and explore the water, but was unable to go far. Then the water turned into a tsunami of turtles. They fled to the exit, but the turtles struck Lavender and Gryme for some serious psychic damage.

Vampires galore

Returning to the central stair well, the team knocked on a locked door but got no response. They then explored a dark red and black bedroom and saw a woman floating outside the window. After a moment, she misted through the glass and appeared before them. Gray skin, red eyes, fangs. She demanded to know who they were and why they had come.

The team was equally confused, but did not ask who she was. She said that this was the tower of Revelius Onar, a vampire lord. The tower orbited on the dark side of the world so it was never in direct sunlight. She also explained that Revelius had trapped an angel for his experiments, and now the angel had escaped and was on the rampage. When she asked about the security guard Delilah, a gargoyle, the team showed her the severed stone arm. The vampire then shooed the heroes out of her room and closed the door to resume hiding.

After these revelations, the team went into the fourth room and found a lovely couch and a huge hovering mirror. Gryme sat on the couch and it began massaging his back. He played with the jewels on the armrest and was able to shift the view in the mirror, and hear the sounds of the places he looked at. This put him in contact with a stern vampire woman dressed in black and gold. The team told her that they had met Rev, a weak skinny person who was now in the care of the doctor. The woman looked delighted at this news and ended the communication. A few moments later, the team heard a heavy bang and boom from the floor below them!

Running out into the hall, they saw the vampire woman again poking her head out of her room. She asked what they had done. They said they had been talking to another vampire in the mirror. The woman reacted in fear and horror, saying that was vampire lord Aura Jatheed, and the banging noise downstairs must be her “Cleaners“. The woman retreated into her room again and slammed the door.

The party decided to run away too, so they headed up the spiral stairs again.

Up on the roof

The stairs ended in a glass-ceiling greenhouse full of strange plants and animals. Ukrog discovered the tiny shock frogs on the trees, and put some in a vial to make a lightning grenade. Sven spotted some footprints and tracked them to young man lying in a pool of starlight. It looked exactly like Rev!

But this version of Rev was even weaker, his skin nearly translucent. He claimed to be a dying vampire, that something was wrong with him, and he needed sunlight to live. The starlight was too weak, and he couldn’t find the sun. Ukrog picked him up and they agreed to find him some sunlight. On the way out, Sven also discovered a nest of fire ants tormenting a red octopus in a tree. The octopus psychically begged for help, so Gryme froze the ants to death and the octopus crawled up on Ukrog’s shoulder.

Beach party 2

The party went back downstairs, through the lounge, and onto the illusion beach. Rev perked up a little, but then declared the sunlight here to be fake and resumed dying. Meanwhile, the octopus continued to whisper that it was hungry and started biting Ukrog. The minotaur ripped the octopus off his shoulder, and it sank its beak into his hand. There was a brief and vicious battle as Ukrog crushed the monster, Gryme shocked them both, and finally Sven put a swarming arrow through its fleshy head.

At about this time, they head a chorus of terrible screams from downstairs.

Creeping down the spiral stairs, they saw the angel! It was a whirling matrix of golden blades and rings floating around three flaming eyes. Scattered around the floor were three vampire corpses, in various states of dismemberment. When Ukrog carried Rev closed to the radiant light of the angel, Rev began to perk up and grow stronger. He then stepped aside and let the party go on without him.

Fearing the power of the mad angel, the team tried to rush down the spiral stairs. But the angel took notice of Ukrog, the only Chaotic member of the party. The angel screamed that chaos must be destroyed! It bathed the party in searing radiant light, and they fled downstairs two levels to the bottom of the tower.


In the dark, filthy depths of the tower, they found a vast reservoir of blood and a stinking compost heap full of corpses and fungus. Lavender used her mage hand to snatch up a golden raven talon from the compost. This revived three fungal zombies exhaling spores. The team promptly shut the door. Gryme tried to jam it shut with an arrow, but put a hole in the door instead and spores began floating out. Lavender tried to blast the spores away, but ended up inhaling them instead. Instantly she felt unwell and orange fungal matter began growing on her arm.

Ransacking the leftovers

The party went up one level to explore the last few rooms. They found a laboratory floor being devoured by acid, a silver metal cell, a red resin cell, a menagerie of dead animals, and a shop full of tools and machines. They gathered up a magic knife, a crystal orb, and unearthed a little mechanical friend who began following Ukrog around.

About this time, they heard the WOOMF sound of someone teleporting into the chamber above them. And then they heard the whirling, burning, screaming sounds of the angel killing whoever that was.

Desperate to escape the tower, the team decided they needed to explore the blood reservoir. They went back downstairs. Gryme held his breath, and Lavender used the Ring of Gills, and they began swimming through the thick red blood. Together, they discovered the broken control pillar from the teleportation platform. They could escape!

But there was a price. Swimming in the inhuman blood affected their bodies. Gryme’s tongue tripled in length, giving him the ability to taste and identify blood. Lavender’s body tripled in mass (but not size), leaving her stranded on the bottom of the reservoir, too heavy to swim. Ukrog had to haul her up on a rope, and she found she was slower on foot than before.

A moment later, the acid pool in the lab ate clean through the floor and air began rushing out of that room.

The big escape

Sneaking back upstairs, they found the angel hovering about between the stairs and the teleportation room. They also saw two new bodies on the floor. Combining their magical powers and tools, they created a glowing, floating cloak and paraded it up the stairs, hoping to draw the angel away. But the angel did not seem to notice this.

Then Sven used his swarm powers to gather up the broken glass in the room where they found Slimy Rev and smashed the glass down to create an audible distraction. The glass shattered, as well as dozens of vials (including several vials of Enlarge). The tower began to creak and groan. Wood, metal, and stone were grinding and breaking. The angel went to investigate!

The team bolted from the stair well toward the teleportation room. Sven looked back and saw that a metal table was Enlarging out of control, smashing through the walls and ceiling of the room. Then the back wall exploded, and everything in the room was blown out into the dark starry expanse.

Including the angel.

Before the party flew out to a cold, silent death, Gryme used the golden raven’s talon (a wand of Control Air) to create a wall of air to fill the breach. Momentarily safe, the heroes ran to the teleport room, restored the control pillar, and vanished back to the forest where they began.

Ukrog promptly destroyed the old teleporter so no one else could ever be trapped by it.


DM Notes

This was a great adventure. Everyone had lots to do. We explored every room and talked to about half of the NPCs, and collected about half of the magic items. There was only one combat, the fight with the octopus. It was a very dense session, mostly focused on exploration and solving puzzles. The players were very keen on asking NPCs to explain everything, and I tried to be engaging but not too revealing. They did a solid job of poking around the rooms and gathering items.

By the last third of the game, I think they were getting a little gun-shy about all the scary rooms and dangers. But in the end, I was super proud of how creative and clever they were just to stay alive and find a way out of the tower. With so much happening, I decided to just have the angel kill the Cleaners and the Thieves. This made the angel seem scary and dangerous, although it meant we didn’t get to talk to or fight those NPCs.

I will add some notes to the adventure to encourage DMs to edit how much content to leave in or skip. I think most people would want a one-shot to be less than 4 hours, and this can easily go longer because of all the rooms and people. But that’s still a good problem to have!

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