Tonight on Twitch: In the tower of the witch-lord

Join us tonight on Twitch at 9pm EST to vote on our ongoing crowd-guided mythic fantasy adventure-writing project.

Tonight, our hero and his companions have taken shelter in the haunted tower of a long-dead sorcerer-king, where they discover a shocking truth! Will they investigate further? Will they escape and seek help? More importantly, what unique location inside the wizard tower will you help design?!

Also, check out the Twitch Writes page to read the PDF current draft of our Untitled Mythic Fantasy!

Please follow the channel to receive an alert when we go live (don’t worry, I only go live once a week).


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Tonight on Twitch: Into the ruins

Join us tonight on Twitch at 9pm EST to vote on our ongoing crowd-guided mythic fantasy adventure-writing project.

Tonight, our hero has just met his first friend in the underworld and needs to decide where to go, and what to do. You’ll also need to decide how he travels, and what goes wrong. And just for fun, you’ll be helping me design a new fantasy creature for our hero to discover!

Also, check out the Twitch Writes page to read the PDF current draft of our Untitled Mythic Fantasy!

Please follow the channel to receive an alert when we go live (don’t worry, I only go live once a week).


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New Adventure: Acid Metal Howl

Hi everyone! This week I published a new D&D (5e) adventure module titled Dungeon Age: Acid Metal Howl.

In the deep desert lies the dead city of Yumar, the source of countless bizarre rumors. Was it destroyed by a demonic metal sphere? Did it sink into a pit of acid? Were its people transformed into cursed beasts? Is it ruled by vicious thieves or mad nuns? In fact, the only thing stranger than what happened to Yumar a century ago is what will happen a few days from now…

I’m pretty happy with it. It’s got three factions with lots of detailed NPCs, a bunch of mini-dungeons, tons of random encounters for different environments and different times of day, magic items, new creatures, mysteries, mutations, magical tattoos, and probably more! Oh yeah, like the Nightmare table.

The preview shows you the first 25 of 48 pages and it’s only $3.00 so go check it out. Or don’t. Your call. I respect that.

Dungeon Age: Acid Metal Howl

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Tonight on Twitch: Falling down the rabbit hole

There must be a rabbit hole around here somewhere…

Join us tonight on Twitch at 9pm EST to vote on our mythic fantasy adventure.

To kick things off, you’ll be choosing the name of our mythic hero that we designed last week.

Then I’ll be performing a dramatic reading of a narrative outline of where our hero came from and what he was doing on the day that our story begins, and then… you’ll decide how our story begins. How does he end up in a strange new land? What land is it? Who is there? And most importantly, what happens next?

Please follow the channel to receive an alert when we go live (don’t worry, I only go live once a week).


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Tonight on Twitch: Building a hero!

Join us tonight on Twitch at 9pm EST to help design a Mythic Hero.

We’ll be talking about everything that goes into creating a protagonist and the world around them: parents, education, professional, station in life, friends, and more. And then you’ll be voting (many times!) to choose our hero’s gender, age, link to the gods, character flaws, sidekicks, and appearance. It’s going to be our biggest night yet, and these choices will echo across the entire book!

So I hope we’ll see you tonight!

Please follow the channel to receive an alert when we go live (don’t worry, I only go live once a week).


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Review: The Black Company by Glen Cook

This novel by Glen Cook was written in 1984, and from what I hear it was an influential fantasy book in that era, particularly as it uniquely combined a cast of low-fantasy anti-hero mercenaries with a high-fantasy world of magic and apocalypses. I don’t recall any of that because I was 5 at the time, but I can assure you that, back then, Generation One Transformers was the best cartoon ever.

What’s it about?

In the first book, our protagonists (I won’t quite call them heroes) are a band of mercenaries, the titular Black Company, doing guard duty in a southern country. Things go pear-shaped when the people rise up against their ruler (who hired the Company) and the Company runs for the north, where they take a new contract with one of “The Taken”, the magic warriors who serve The Lady, a magic overlord. The Lady is trying to put down an uprising (sound familiar?), aka killing all the peasants who don’t want to be ruled by a magic overlord. 

The men in the Black Company, who are mostly regular guys with regular concerns like eating and staying alive, quickly develop very complicated feelings about this situation. Some want to leave the country, but they don’t want to break another contract (because they’re professionals) and they definitely don’t want to anger a bunch of magic immortals like the Taken (because they’re not idiots). We’ve all been there, right?

Good guys include:

  • Croaker, the doctor and chronicler, who is our narrator 
  • Raven, a newly recruited edgelord who plays with knives and has a dark past
  • The Captain and the Lieutenant, who bark orders
  • Goblin and One-Eye, low-level wizards that mostly prank each other
  • Silent, a low-level wizard that mostly plays ninja
  • And a bunch of “normal” guys like Elmo

You’ll notice everyone has a nom de guerre, and no one’s real name is ever given. So that’s fun. They all feel a bit like secret agents or superheroes, in that regard. Except they die a lot more.

Baddies include:

  • The Lady, an immortal magic warlord who is cloaked in mystery and awe, who is desperate to maintain her power, who is afraid of her dead husband, and who develops a strange pseudo-romantic relationship with Croaker. Because mercenary doctors are hot.
  • Her bizarre lieutenants, the Taken, who are magic immortal warriors with disturbing decaying forms and cool names like Soulcatcher, Shapeshifter, The Limper, and The Hanged Man. 
  • Rebel leaders like Raker, Whisper, Feather, and Journey. (I think the author was running out of cool warrior names and just started using random words at some point.)

Most of these characters don’t have much real development, they exist simply to move around the chessboard, killing people and saying cryptic things to obscure their true motives and desires. 

What’s the big deal?

The story follows Croaker and the Company moving from battle to battle, trying to stay alive and trying to unravel the weird political machinations of their inhuman employers. There are some epic battle scenes and some intense (scary? weird?) magical interrogations / tortures / erotica scenes.

Personally, I found the politics and manipulations fairly mundane and at the same time a bit hard to follow. I connected with very few of the characters in this very large cast, so I had a little trouble following the long passages of mysterious exposition from the Taken as they told their various plots and lies about each other. Mostly it came across to me as an elaborate fantasy version of Survivor where everyone is constantly plotting against each other and making/breaking alliances.

Likewise, the use of magic in this book never quite made sense to me. The three hedge wizards in the Black Company seemed like your basic tricksters (most of the time), while the Taken and the Lady seemed like a cross between Ring-wraith monsters and Death Eater wizards from a bygone Age of Man and Myth. It felt like two very different types of fantasy, specifically Low and High, being crammed together in a not-entirely-successful way. 

On the other hand, I absolutely connected with the narrator Croaker, who was realistic and complex and felt like a living person. He even writes his own romantic fan-fiction about The Lady, and his friends make fun of him for it, until it gets him a date with the Supreme Queen of Magic and Mystery herself. My favorite parts were following him around in the “gritty” scenes, doing soldier things and doctor things, hanging out with his comrades and generally trying to not die. 


If you like your fantasy to be a bit grim-and-gritty, then you should definitely try the first book of The Black Company. I liked it on many levels, enough to read the second book, which I also mostly liked. The writing is solid and straightforward, and many of the characters are engaging and interesting. But the wider world of magic and immortals felt a bit incoherent to me and I was not intrigued by all the intrigue, if you know what I mean.

If you want a story where women are something other than victims or monsters, you might want to look elsewhere. Also, if you like fantasy books with actual monsters, then this might not be for you. I don’t recall anything remotely dragon-esque in this book.

Side Note – I picked up The Black Company because Matt Colville mentioned it several times as a book that influenced him a great deal. He is currently running a streamed D&D game called The Chain, which is strongly colored by The Black Company, so if you like the one you might like the other.

Where is it?

Wherever 1980s fantasy books are sold.

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Recap: Twitch Writes a Fantasy Book, Episode 1

*** SPOILERS ***

I don’t know why I put “spoilers” up there. I guess in case you don’t want to know what Twitch commanded me to write for them last night. In which case, I’m not totally sure why you’re here. I mean, the title is pretty self-explanatory. Anyway, here’s the episode:

Twitch Writes a Fantasy Book (sort of) - Episode 1

And here’s the recap:

We talked for about an hour about Big Picture decisions for the forth-coming fantasy book and we ran 4 polls to make 4 key decisions:

  • Genre: Mythic fantasy
  • Plot: Voyage and Return
  • Tone / Style: Minimalist
  • Voice / Tense: Third person, past tense

We had a lot of fun talking about what we might do, and what I’m definitely not doing (I’m looking at you, “Rags to Riches”), and trying to get each other to vote for our favorites. I had no favorites. Naturally. I’m impartial. I have no partials.

I’m very down with this setup. We’re going to send a Mythic Hero on a journey, not a quest, but a voyage to a strange land, sort of like Alice in Wonderland or The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. And apparently, I will be writing it in a minimal, terse, Hemingway-esque manner. So… that’s the plan!

Join us next week, Monday July 1, at 9:00pm EST for Episode 2, where we will design our Mythic Hero, with a whole pile of polls to determine their age, gender, appearance, source of mythic power, desires, flaws, and sidekicks! It’s going to be a lot.

See you then!

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Tonight on Twitch: You vote and I write

Tonight at 9pm EST, join me on Twitch where we will be talking about the process of writing a book, and you’ll be telling me what to put in my new fantasy story!

Here’s the link:

Each week we’ll talk about topics like world-building, character design, arcs, plots, and more. I’ll be raising the questions and suggesting some possible answers about who our hero and villain could be, and what their conflict is about, and how their story unfolds, but each week you’ll vote to decide what actually happens next in the book.

You vote it. I write it.

Should be interesting!

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Review: The King of Elfland’s Daughter by Lord Dunsany

This novel (short novel? novella?) by Lord Dunsany was written in 1924, and seems to have wandered in and out of the public eye over the last century. It’s a very classical (French-ish to me, for some reason) fantasy story that feels a bit like a fairy tale in the vein of the Arthurian cycle.

What’s it about? (spoilers!)

The simple folk of Erl want their country to be famous, so they ask their ruler for a magic lord (because nothing encourages tourism and respect in a pseudo-Christian setting like un-Christian magic!). The prince Alveric goes to the witch Ziroonderel for a magic sword, and then goes east into Elfland to win the heart and hand of the elf princess Lirazel (by killing all the elf knights with his magic sword). She comes back to Erl, marries Alveric, and they have a son, Orion.

The people rejoice! Everyone lives happily ever after! Just kidding.

Time passes, and Lirazel is unable to adapt to the mundane human world, particularly its religious norms. This leads to clashes with Alveric, who apparently doesn’t understand why his exotic immortal magical wife can’t just give up her entire identity, culture, and personality to act like a boring local human girl, and eventually she chooses to return to Elfland.

Alveric quickly regrets everything he whined about and goes to bring her back, but discovers that Elfland has magically withdrawn from the borders of Erl (you can’t get there from here anymore). So Alveric gathers up a band of madmen (because who else would you want to go on an endless road trip with?) to quest for Elfland and bring Lirazel home. 

The quest goes… poorly. Like, really bad. Griswold-family-vacation bad. Decades pass. One by one, Alveric’s mad friends turn sane and go home to get jobs and get married. His last two crazy companions start competing to see who can be the craziest. It’s not a good scene, folks, and it makes a compelling argument for Why You Should Never Pressure Your Wife To Convert. 

Meanwhile, little Orion grows up to be a skilled hunter and Elfland returns to the borders of Erl (now that Alveric and his magic elf-killing sword are far away). Orion, who feels torn between these two worlds, begins hunting unicorns just for funsies, and then enlists the aid of some trolls to care for his hounds. As the trolls and fairy creatures run amok (they really like killing each other for some reason), the people of Erl begin to seriously regret asking for a magic lord.

In the end, Alveric abandons his quest and returns home, and Lirazel leaves Elfland to return to Erl and her family. She also brings a tidal wave of magic to all of Erl, and thus carries off Erl itself into Elfland. (Except for the church and the people hiding there.)

What’s the big deal?

Good question. Well. It’s a lovely sort of sad, lyrical, old-fashioned fairy story. It reminds me of other fairy tales, evoking a nostalgia for classic Rankin/Bass cartoons, Aesop’s fables, The Dark Crystal, and things half-remembered from childhood that seemed magical and strange at the time, and so continue to seem that way now. So in that sense, I enjoyed the experience of reading it.

On the other hand, it’s a bit thin on story. The characters are…fine. You might call it over-written at times. Sometimes I felt like it was a first draft, and a better story or version was waiting in the wings. If it was the first classical fairy tale you had ever read as a fan of fantasy, you’d like it very much, probably. If it was your hundredth such story, maybe not so much.

Pedant Rant: The title feels a bit tortured to me. The King of Elfland’s Daughter? She has a name, you know. Lirazel (which is a fantastic name, by the way). But it’s not really about her. And it’s definitely not about the King of Elfland. It’s about Alveric and his mad questing, and Orion and his search for identity and meaning. End of Rant.


Maybe? It’s definitely not for everyone. If you enjoy ye olde fairie tales and classical writing, then yes, you will probably enjoy this. If you want a richer story, or a richer world to explore, then you’ll probably want to look elsewhere. (I’d recommend The Last Unicorn as a similar but stronger story, both the book and the Rankin/Bass cartoon.)

Where is it?

Read / download free on Faded Page:

It’s $0.99 on Amazon:

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Dungeon Age: New cover art reveal

So, the draft (no, not the first draft, not nearly!) of the first Dungeon Age book has been in the capable hands of my wife for multiple days now, and she strongly asserts that she is indeed actually reading it (and liking it). So it seems likely that book will be out soonish.

Why is my wife reviewing it, you ask? Is she the Platonic ideal of my readers? Is she a huge fan of fantasy novels? Nope and nope. But she is widely read and frankly the smartest person I know in real life (take that, Tony Stark!), and I greatly value her opinions. She will straighten me out if I go astray, and that matters a lot more to me than anything else, at this stage.

(As always, the best friends and family are those who hold you to higher standards and encourage you to excel, or at least to not phone it in.)

In anticipation of the imminent release of this book, today I thought I’d show you the cover (mental drum-roll……….more drum-roll………..cymbal!):

Art: “Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion” (John Martin, 1812). 

The book’s title is pretty self-explanatory (I hope). Although, to be fair, in the spirit of transparency, only about half of the book takes place “beneath the dying land” while the rest takes place (any guesses?) up above in the dying land itself. Future books will go… deeper. Far deeper.

I was going for a classic 1960s/70s fantasy vibe with the art, title, and layout. It’s not quite final, but I like it quite a bit. The artwork, “Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion“, struck me not only as a beautiful study of stone and space and shades of red, but the story behind it seemed quite fitting. English author James Ridley, in his The Tales of the Genii (a sort of pastiche of the Arabian Nights, and not to be confused with Lady Murasaki’s The Tale of Genji), includes an invented Persian fable/myth about a hero on a perilous quest. And since I am writing a fantasy with light Persian inspirations about a hero on a perilous quest, it seemed appropriate.

How’s it look to you?

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