Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #9

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes journeyed north, defeated a tentacle monster, met with the fabled Oracle, and received visions of their future and places of power…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Drew the Eldritch Knight (6)
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker Ranger (5), Rogue (1)
  • Rainen the Beast Master Ranger (5), Druid (1)
  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer (6)

Rough Morning

Rainen dreamed of a wounded tiger bleeding out across the winter snow. Drew dreamed of being tormented by the dead witch Baba Kruska. And Rainen saw strange fires to the southwest on her watch. But in the morning, the strangest sight was that Hugo was missing.

Asmund revealed that he and Hugo had gone back to the Oracle. After a confusing discussion of good and evil, they killed the Oracle and hurried back to camp. Asmund felt this was a good outcome because the Oracle revealed that she worshipped Shernavoth (the eldritch horror) and Asmund’s holy hand was able to incinerate her. But then Hugo had gone off into the woods to study his book alone.

Drew revealed that the Dark Queen Lerazia was killing Shifters on the east side of the river, though he did not explain how he had learned this.

The team had been planning to return to the town of Rukesti, which had clearly been attacked by wyvern-riding vampires during the night. But they quickly changed their minds. Instead they would hurry south to find the Wyld Altar. They would try to ally with the Shifters on the east side of the river, and save them from the Dark Queen Lerazia. Hopefully the Shifters would help them defeat the vampires!

Cold Creek Crossing

The party followed the river south. They passed the site of their battle with the tentacle monster, and passed the ruins of the bridge to Castle Dalca. As night fell, they came to a creek blocking their path. A new part of the same creek that almost wiped them out several days ago. Their old nemesis, Little Fang Creek!

Drew waded out into the freezing waters and almost lost his balance, but then he teleported to the far bank. Ward also made the crossing, getting cold and soaked in the process. So he stripped down and tried to get dry and warm before his clothing froze solid.

Then Rainen used her feathered cloak to summon a pair of ravenwolves from the forest and commanded them to carry Asmund across the river. The monsters ran shoulder-to-shoulder and carried the sorcerer across the water, leaping and gliding from rock to rock, and dumped him safely on the south side.

Lastly, Rainen rode Sasha across the creek, but the dire wolf was swept away! Drew leapt into action and used a magic whip to yank Sasha onto solid ground. The team was across!

Shovel Knight

Soon after, the party made camp for the night. Drew took out his gleaming shovel to dig a quick shelter, but the shovel instantly dug a massive pit for them. It was the Master Shovel! A magical tool that could cast the Mold Earth cantrip.

Fanged Fury

During Ward’s watch, he spied seven creatures crossing over from the east bank to the west bank by climbing the rock wall behind a huge waterfall. Then he saw two larger creatures tearing the smaller creatures apart. Not sure what any of them were, Ward chose to shoot the large creatures. He landed a massive critical sharpshooter flaming arrow on one of them, and discovered that he had just attacked a pair of Apex werewolves. The werewolves finished killing the vampire wretches and then came running to kill Ward!

Rainen roused the team to come to Ward’s aid, just as the first werewolf arrived. It was twelve feet tall, all in silver fur, and started tearing Ward to pieces. Ward tried to throw down his bow and apologize for attacking them, but the enraged hunters were not interested in his pleas.

Soon the second Apex werewolf arrived, and they summoned four more common wolves. Rainen ran to Ward and shielded him with the Silver Staff of Korvilus, which can cast an immovable “panic bubble” shield. Drew used his powers to frighten one Apex, and Rainen used her powers to Suggest that the second Apex “run home”. Despite a few rounds of terrible damage, the two huge werewolves turned to leave.

Drew killed one of the regular wolves and Rainen told the others to leave. But she befriended the last one, which was hungry and eager for affection.

The group moved camp and then rested late into the morning.

Wyld Altar

By the weak light of day, the team approached the waterfall and found an ancient stone stair leading up to a cave. Drew raced up the climb, with Ward and Asmund trailing. Rainen stayed below to keep watch with her three pack-mates: Sasha the direwolf, Bud the ravenwolf pup, and the nameless wild wolf.

In the cave, the boys found an ancient stone altar with a stone spike on top. The whole thing was covered in layers of old dry blood. Ward placed his hand on the spike and a strange wind began to blow as his blood ran down onto the altar. Then he shoved his hand down, spilling blood across the stone, and a whirl wind of animal ghosts surrounded him. Ward rolled the dice, and one of the spirits entered his body, knocking him away from the altar.

Ward felt his blood boiling as his senses grew sharper and the wound on his hand closed before his eyes.

And that’s where we ended!

DM Notes

This was a wonderful session. So much fun! It started off a little slow as the players described their side-session adventures with the Oracle. And then there was a solid debate about what to do next. I had assumed they would go back to town and experience the effects of their attacks on the vampires, but instead they decided to focus on the Shifters and Lerazia. So we dumped all the encounters and locations that I had prepped and leapfrogged to another part of the map!

This was fine, I also had these encounters and locations written, they were just much farther down in my notes. We got to battle the evil power of Little Fang Creek again (the true villain of the campaign) and then discovered the wonders of the Master Shovel. I think the magical shovel is now everyone’s favorite item. There were many Shovel Knight jokes, it was excellent. Rainen also got to use a bunch of her cool new powers, including summoning ravenwolves.

And then there was Ward. I like how Ward’s enthusiasm for the moment overwhelms his other thoughts and instincts. So we got a very exciting battle with two Apex werewolves, which could have easily turned into a TPK if not for some good spellcraft and good rolls. But the team survived! And we got to the Wyld Altar, and Ward decided to go full furry! I’m extremely excited to see how this unfolds next time. Although I do have to update and rearrange my notes a lot!

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Homebrew Monster: Solar Zombie


Ever since first reading Dune (long, long ago), one of my favorite fantasy settings has been the desert. It’s a hostile landscape that can physically shift beneath your feet, while also hiding life-saving oases or lost cities or giant burrowing worms. 

When I first created the Dungeon Age world of Harth, I started in a desert region and began filling it with fantastical versions of vipers, scorpions, and lions. But my favorite fantasy monsters tend to be either aberrations or undead, and my deserts absolutely needed some undead. Certainly some mummy lords and warriors, but what about the common folk? What do they become in the undead desert? Solar Zombies.



As the sun has aged, darkened, and bloated in the skies above Harth, the land has withered…and changed. Infused with the horrific energies of the dying sun, human corpses have emerged from the Great Sand Sea and begun to roam the shifting dunes. Powered by the heat of the sun, these solar zombies shuffle about the deserts in small mindless groups from dawn to dusk, and then collapse on the cold sand, too weak to move by the feeble light of the ancient stars. 

Travelers know of these solar zombies and simply give them a wide berth during the day, knowing they are slow and stupid, and harmless at night. The greatest danger would be to make camp in the darkness and then discover in the morning that you are surrounded by flaming corpses!

Physical Description

Desiccated human bodies crusted over with fragile chunks of coal-like material. During the day, they resemble people armored in lumpy black rock, burning with bright red and yellow flames as thin channels of red magma pulse under their charred flesh. During the night, they resemble black and gray charcoal lying in human-like shapes, smoking faintly and smelling of scorched wood and bone.


Solar zombies are utterly mindless. They wander the pathless desert without purpose. Their only instinct is to approach cold objects or creatures and attempt to heat them up with their flaming embrace. Unfortunately, tents and camels and people all seem cold to the burning solar zombies.

Stat Block (5E)


  • A corpse covered in charcoal and flame. Animated by sunlight. Lies helpless in the dark. Mindless.
  • Medium undead, neutral
  • AC 10, HP 10, MOVE 20 ft.
12 (+1)6 (-2)14 (+2)2 (-4)2 (-4)4 (-3)
  • IMMUNITY. Fire.
  • COLLIDE. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) fire damage.
  • OVERLOAD. When the zombie is struck by multiple light sources, it overheats and explodes. All creatures within 5 ft. take 3 (1d6) fire damage.
  • FREEZE. When the zombie is in darkness, it falls prone and cannot move or act.

Stat Block (Old School)

Solar Zombie. HD 1. HP 3. AC unarmored. Move 20. Immune to fire. Attack 1. Collide +3, 3 (1d6) fire. Explode in bright light, 5 ft, 3 (1d6) fire. Freeze and fall prone in darkness.

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #8

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes delved to the bottom of the catacombs under Castle Dalca, battling the undead, completing bizarre angelic rituals, discovering pillaged tombs, and collecting powerful relics and weapons…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Drew the Eldritch Knight – Level 5
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker – Level 5
  • Rainen the Beast Master – Level 5
  • Hugo the Knowledge Cleric/Time Wizard – Level 1/4
  • Tiodhloc (Asmund) the Divine Soul Sorcerer – Level 5

Abridged Interlude

From the safety of the west end of the bridge, Drew summoned the silver staff to his hand. A moment later, the ruins of Castle Dalca collapsed into the catacombs beneath it. A huge cloud of ash and dust billowed into the sky and over the castle walls.

Meanwhile, the young ranger Gavril jogged up. He was glad to see the party was still alive, and pleased as punch to meet the famous Yakov Vanator. After a quick chat, Gavril and Yakov decided to head home to Rukesti while the party went north to find the mysterious Oracle.

But then a figure emerged from the dust cloud, a corpse dragging a sword on the cobblestones, yelling out threats… it was Irina the Inescapable, yet again! But just as the revenant templar shambled out onto the bridge, a second figure appeared. A woman in black strode up and tore Irina’s head off and hurled the corpse into the river below.

The party recognized the now-living corpse of Dark Queen Lerazia Dalca, who had vanished from her tomb. She thanked the party for destroying the undead in the catacombs. Then she told the party to stay on the western side of the river, and that she would protect the eastern side from evil. Then she smashed the bridge, and vanished into the mist.

Tentacle Time

The party headed north, following the River Moroz in search of the tower of the Oracle. Along the way, Ward spotted a strange mass of tentacles on the river bank, digging into the earth and eating vermin and fish. He told the group, and Drew went to see for himself, making no effort to hide himself. The monster sensed him, and attacked!

Hugo and Drew took point, trying to beat the tentacles into submission, but they only managed to slice off a few of the hundred tendrils. The monster tried repeated to shove a tentacle into Hugo’s mouth, but the wizard used his time magic to escape.

Then Rainen used her magic helmet to connect with the creature and sense its thoughts: “Feed. Enter. Control.” This got the monster’s attention and it raced toward her, plunged a tentacle into her mouth and into her direwolf Sasha’s mouth. They both instantly lost control of their bodies, and the monster puppeted them around to attack Drew.

Now the whole team ran up to encircle the beast. Asmund tried countless times to grab the tentacles away from his friends, but couldn’t connect. When Ward dealt some vicious damage, the monster freed Rainen and took control of him instead, using his Crone’s Claw to magically wound Asmund.

Drew jumped into the creature to free Ward, and then Hugo plunged in to free Drew. Hugo whirled his holy chain-sickle and finally cut the abomination to pieces. Rainen quickly cauterized Asmund’s wound before it could fester and kill him.

Everyone was disgusted. But alive!

Rolling on the River

As night fell, the team found the island and saw the Oracle’s tower. Drew swam the river and tied a rope for the others to use. Ward and Asmund sat on a log and pulled themselves across. Hugo used his new Bitter End sword to freeze a path for him and Rainen, though Sasha had to repeatedly save the wizard from slipping off.

On the far shore, they were greeted by several tall tree-people, the Knights Timber. They demanded the party leave their weapons, and the party agreed. At the top of the hill they entered the twisted white tower.

Vision for a Price

Inside, they met the oracle Dreymondi, a gold-skinned woman with tentacle hair and tentacle fingers. She commanded thousands of floating mirror shards and offered visions of power, for a price.

Hugo accepted the price, and she placed a small wriggling creature in his bellybutton. Then she showed him a special mirror that revealed visions of his own past and future. Hugo exchanged notes with his older self and learned that Old Hugo had failed to find “her” and that the solution to their personal mystery was something “older”, not found in any book.

Drew also accepted the price, got a bug shoved in his tummy, and saw a vision of “justice”. He saw the Crossroads, where ghostly wraiths clawed at a large circular stone beneath a frayed noose.

During this exchange, Asmund left the tower.

Rainen and Ward had a thoughtful discussion with Dreymondi about power and faith, Chaos and Law, and the difference between the angels they serve and the creature Shernavoth that the oracle serves.

Heading Out

Hugo returned to the riverside and had one of the Knights Timber hurl him over the river, where he landed gently and resumed studying his book to better understand his meeting with his older self.

Meanwhile, the Knights Timber offered Drew his pick of the weapons they had collected over the years, and he got himself a shiny shovel and a smith’s hammer for Rainen.

Then the rest of the team spent two hours assembling a rickety sled. Drew used the Bitter End sword to freeze the river and Ward guided Sasha to push the sled across the ice. They slipped and slid at terrifying speed, and crashed safely on the far shore.

And that’s where we ended!

DM Notes

This was a great session. We got a quick cameo from Irina, and then met the undead queen Lerazia. What’s her deal? The combat with the tentacle monster was dynamic and crazy, and I think it was one of my better designed solo monsters. Crossing the river was fun shenanigans, and then the meeting with the Oracle brought in some fantastic roleplaying from the whole group. Exciting choices, interesting insights, strange possibilities.

And then we wrapped up with more river-related shenanigans. I wouldn’t change a thing. Hopefully some of my players will want to use the upcoming Long Rest as a chance for a little solo-questing, or perhaps a return to talk more with the Oracle. We shall see!

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New fantasy novel: Wayward Magicians!

After a mere 18 months of projects, procrastinations, and pandemics, I have finished a new fantasy novel! Heavily inspired by the Dying Earth stories by Jack Vance, as well as Moorcock’s Elric, Lieber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Howard’s Conan, Smith’s Zothique, and countless other fantasy works from the early-to-mid 20th century, I proudly present:

Wayward Magicians

The ancient world of Harth withers beneath a dying sun…but it’s not dead yet. Ravenous demons threaten the last cities, their streets choked with starving refugees. Desperate to save their homeland, a possessed cleric and a fugitive wizard delve into the lost lands buried beneath their feet. In the dark caverns, they discover dead cities and antique societies, travelers from distant lands and times, gleaming metal angels gone mad, cosmic horrors and the fanatics who worship them, undead pilgrims, dreaming aristocrats, and of course, giant flame-belching snails.

[ $0.99 | amazon ]

About the book

It’s a short book, a fast read. Many of the chapters are written as (nearly) standalone short stories. But it is still very much a novel. I wanted it to feel more like the classic fantasy novels of the 1950s-1970s, similar to the “fix-ups” that were basically short story collections.

The story picks up with two characters from Beneath the Dying Land, so it is a sequel in the general sense, but Wayward Magicians is its own story and you don’t need to read anything else to understand or enjoy it.

What’s it actually about? Well, it’s about two people who aren’t terribly heroic on a journey into strange places, and encountering strange people. And giant flame-belching snails. It’s about discovering things that are wondrous and awful, and then making a mess of things and running away. You know, real life. Plus magic wands.

I tried my best to follow Elmore Leonard’s advice to “leave out the parts that people skip”. Most of the editing I did was deleting. I’m sure with a little more time and thought, I could have deleted a lot more.

If you’re a fan of this blog (and statistically speaking, you’re probably not), then you may recognize a handful of these chapters as short stories I posted a while back.

Selfish demands

If you like Wayward Magicians, then please post a rating/review on Amazon, and tweet about it, and blog about it, and tell all your friends in real life. Especially rich, good-looking friends with lots of followers. You know, the ones who like weird, dark homages to mid-20th century fantasy stories.

And if you don’t like it, thanks anyway.

Future books?

If you like Wayward Magicians, then there is good news. I am planning to write at least two more books in the same style, each focusing on new characters and new mysterious corners of the world of Harth.

If you like Wayward Magicians AND table-top roleplaying games, then there is even more good news. I have been very busy publishing RPG adventures in the world of Harth, which you can find as Dungeon Age Adventures on DriveThruRPG.

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #7

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes befriended the were-bear / vampire hunter Rosette Vanator, met the young ranger Gavril, encountered a forest angel, found the lost Yakov Vanator, and entered the catacombs of Castle Dalca…

Play time: 5 hours


  • Drew the Eldritch Knight – Level 5
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker – Level 5
  • Rainen the Beast Master – Level 5
  • Hugo the Knowledge Cleric/Time Wizard – Level 1/4
  • Tiodhloc (Asmund) the Divine Soul Sorcerer – Level 5

Zombie Time

Ward poked into the next chamber of the catacombs and found it defended by eight undead warriors. The team charged into the room, leapt onto the sarcophagi, and plunged into battle. They were assaulted by four zombie knights and their four zombie squires. The fast-undead did some heavy damage with their long swords and crossbows, and when they died, their corpses exploded to poison anyone nearby.

Ward unleashed his flaming arrows to great effect, and Drew speared away in mighty fashion. Hugo tanked in the middle of the room, drawing fire and protecting his friends. Tiodhloc and Rainen ran support, healing the team as needed. And Yakov Vanator had some really bad luck, throwing his wooden stakes all over the room and pounding on the armored zombies to little effect.

With the zombie warriors defeated, the team found the iron crown of Iron King Dorinel Dalca and a mighty dragon-slaying greatsword, the Dread Cleaver!

Yakov identified the zombie knights as the things that bit him, so the team took a short rest while Tiodhloc studied the zombie slime and created a medicinal treatment for the bite. It was intensely painful, but seemed effective!

Ghastly Faith

In the next room, Ward reported that there were two priests and a nun standing around an altar by a statue of the angel Virune. Tiodhloc was greatly concerned by this display of piety/blasphemy and charged in to investigate. He quickly discovered that the priests were decaying corpses, and flooded the room with daylight. The priests were only briefly confused, and then shambled forward to seize the faithful sorcerer and suck the life out of his blood.

The team ran into the room and quickly dispatched the ghastly priests and nun before they could do much damage. Hugo detected magic in the altar and the statue, while Tiodhloc discovered the horrific flesh and eyes of Shernavoth pressed up through the cracks in the floor. But the monster retreated before anyone could do anything.

This was all too much for poor Tiodhloc, and in a blast of radiant light he reverted to his other form of Asmund.

Hugo swept off the altar and found it was actually the sarcophagus of the Dark Queen Lerazia Dalca. Inside he found her corpse dressed in black, with two scrolls, a silver crown, a silver ring, and a silver rapier. Hugo took the scrolls, Yakov took the sword, and Ward and Drew took the jewels.

Meanwhile, Rainen and Asmund prayed on whether they should break open the statue of Virune to remove the item inside it. The angel signaled that the statue was unimportant, so they proceeded to carefully break the cracked plaster figure apart. Inside, they found a corpse bound in iron wires and bands. The magic item was in its chest. Asmund used telekinesis to rip the object out, and snatched a hard black lump from the air, the Heretic’s Heart.

Bed of Nails

Ward peeked into the next room and found it deserted. There was another altar and another statue, but only a few graves and no creatures. Hugo, Asmund, and Rainen were all struck by a powerful holy presence radiating from the altar.

The altar was topped with a bed of nails, and marked with runes reading Purity, Cleanse, and Sacrifice. Asmund felt compelled to use this holy site, and he reverted back to Tiodhloc to climb up and lie on the bed of nails. As his blood gushed out onto the altar and he plummeted to 1 HP, his spirit fled to a null space where he encountered a being of fire. The angel asked him if he would carry the purifying flame in his hand. He said yes, and took the flame.

Tiodhloc awoke in terrible pain. His hand was burning so intensely that it glowed like a beacon. Also, he was still on the bed of nails. The team lifted him off and healed his wounds, careful to avoid his glowing hand. They tried putting some pebbles in his hand, but nothing happened.

Meanwhile, Hugo found some healing potions at the feet of the statue.

Treasure Trap

The last chamber of the catacomb was smaller. The walls were earth and rough stone, supported by heavy timbers. But one timber had broken and the ceiling was collapsing. The only thing holding it up was a silver staff.

The group went around the room and inspected each sarcophagus, noting the names and contents of each one. They also found a lot of magic items:

  • The “Bitter End” longsword, which freezes everything it touches
  • A unicorn helmet, which communicates with plants and animals
  • A feathered cloak, which summons ravenwolves
  • A holy shield of strange metal
  • An amulet that can mimic voices
  • A grimoire of cosmic madness
  • Spiked gloves, which punch real good
  • And also a non-magical prosthetic leg with a secret compartment containing a ruby ring

The Getaway

Last but not least, they really wanted that silver staff. But how to yank it out and escape the inevitable collapse of the entire tomb? Several dangerous plans were suggested. Then Drew (the eldritch knight) suggested that he bond with the staff. Then they could simply leave the tomb and he could summon the staff to his hand when they were safely away.

And that’s exactly what they did.

On the walk back to the surface, Hugo noticed that the corpse of Dark Queen Lerazia was no longer in her tomb. Where could she be???

Back outside, the team crossed to the west end of the bridge, far from the ruins of Castle Dalca. There they took some time to divvy up their new magical loot. During this process, Tiodhloc considered taking the grimoire, but when he held it in his holy hand, the magic book was incinerated into tiny incandescent moths. He then tried holding Hugo’s holy chain-whip, which remained undamaged in his grip. Then Drew reached out and summoned the silver staff to his hand.

And that’s where we ended!

DM Notes

This was a great session. It ran long because I (and everyone else) wanted to wrap up this dungeon. The zombie fight was exciting but not too long. High stakes and interesting. I felt really good about the monster design in that room. My only note to self might be to remove one or two zombies to speed things up.

In the next room, I cut down the number of ghast priests and nuns to save time. But because the team lured the baddies to the door and then bum-rushed them, they didn’t get to do a lot of their cool stuff.

The discoveries in Lerazia’s tomb were great. There was some tension about desecrating a holy site, and confusion about what to do with the Heretic’s Heart (it’s immune to cleric and paladin magic).

In the next room, I removed all of the baddies because it felt like fighting would just be time-consuming, and the altar was way more interesting. So we went straight to the altar business, and Tiodhloc got his holy hand. But what does it do? And what is it doing to him???

In the last room, the team did a great job examining everything in detail and grabbing all the loot. Again I removed the fight from this location because I knew I could do that same fight elsewhere and I wanted the session to wrap up nicely. I was impressed with how quickly Drew produced a perfect solution to the silver staff puzzle that I had never considered. Genius!

Everyone seemed really happy with the session, even though it went long, it had a big payoff with all the loot, plus some new mysteries. What is Tiodhloc’s hand? Where is the Dark Queen Lerazia? I don’t think the night needed a climactic boss battle. But fear not, players, there are tons of battles waiting all around you now!

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #6

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes rescued the people of Cherat from a vampire festival, hid in a cottage in the woods, discovered the missing vampire hunter Rosette Vanator, and defeated the Viers family of were-boars. But there is still one Vanator missing…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Drew the Eldritch Knight – Level 5
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker – Level 5
  • Rainen the Beast Master – Level 5
  • Hugo the Knowledge Cleric/Time Wizard – Level 1/4
  • Tiodhloc (Asmund) the Divine Soul Sorcerer – Level 5

Deadpool Baby Leg

With the were-boars defeated, the party tried to convince Rosette to let them rescue her. They started to annoy her, and she pushed herself up one her one leg to threaten them with her sword. Her blankets fell away, revealing that her severed leg was severed no longer! She was growing a new leg, which currently looked like a chubby toddler limb dangling from her thigh.

Rosette and Bianca made it clear that Rosette needed a little more time to heal, and then come to terms with her new life as a were-bear. But then she would go back home to see her father. Eventually.

Rosette was more concerned about her “idiot” brother Yakov, who had gone off to the ruins of Castle Dalca. He was obsessed with finding cool magic weapons. And while a great fighter, he tended to get himself into trouble and need rescuing. So go rescue him!

Playing Bridge

The party headed east to Castle Dalca and found the bridge over the River Moroz. But there were strange bodies lying on the bridge, each killed by an arrow. As they crept up to investigate, a shuffling humanoid began crossing the bridge toward them. An arrow flew from the trees and killed the stranger, taking its head clean off!

Ward called out to the unseen archer, who quickly climbed down to meet them. He was a polite young man named Gavril from Cherat. Handy with a bow, he liked to come here and shoot fungus zombies to keep them from getting close to his home. He walked them out onto the bridge to show them some of the re-animated corpses covered in bright orange fungal growths.

Yes, Deer

With the sun setting, Gavril headed down to his hammock under the bridge to hide from vampires, and the party proceeded toward the ruined castle. But then Ward spotted a large golden deer in the woods. He ran off to investigate, and followed the deer to the ruins of a cottage away from the castle. There, he saw the deer was actually a buzzing collection of bronze discs, whirling through the air in the shape of a deer. This being stomped its hoof to reveal a hole in the ground, and then flew away into the woods.

In the hole, Ward found an Amulet of the angel Kasimah, a being of the wild, who was worshipped in ancient times by woodsmen and hunters.

Inside the Ruins

With the sun setting, the party headed into the ruins of Castle Dalca. They found one tower intact, but the stairs were blocked by debris. They could also smell a heavy weasel-like musk nearby.

Then a new young man arrived, telling them to put out their lights and stop being so loud. It was Yakov Vanator, looking cold and shaky and manic. He led the group into the ruined keep where there was a safe room. Yakov was excited to have some backup, but worried the party might try to take all the magic loot for themselves. Earlier today, he had successfully found and blown up the entrance to the Dalca catacombs. Surely there was cool stuff in there!

The party was extremely suspicious of Yakov’s behavior. Drew tricked him into smoking Pyotr’s Pacifying Pipe, which put him to sleep. Tiodhloc and Rainen then examined him, and found Yakov had been bitten. The wound looked infected, with black veins around it. Vampire bite?

Ward slipped outside to look around and found a smoking crater on the side of the keep, revealing the entrance to the catacombs. A couple of unhealthy humanoids crawled nearby, sniffing. There was a quick debate about whether to wake Yakov and demand more answers, or to go into the tombs looking for a cure right now. They decided to wait for morning.

Long Rest

Hugo took first watch, but was totally engrossed in his reading. Still, he looked up just in time to swat a bird out of the air just before it dive-bombed him. It appeared to be a giant hummingbird, or a thrush with a needle-beak. Hugo healed the poor thing, and it promptly flew away.

Drew took the second watch. Soon he heard a vampire wretch creeping up the stairs. He hurled a flask of alchemist fire, setting the monster alight. The wretch leapt onto Drew’s chest and bite his neck, drinking his blood and healing while still on fire! Then Ward woke up and shot the wretch, incinerating it right in Drew’s face. Tiodhloc inspected the wound and declared it clean. Drew was not a vampire!

Ward took the third watch. Sitting on the roof, he watched the sun come up.

Shrine Time

In the morning, the team told Yakov that the bite on the back of his shoulder looked bad. He was majorly bummed. But he convinced the team to let him come with them into the catacombs. Hopefully they could find the source of his infection, and maybe a cure.

Outside in the courtyard, Tiodhloc spied an old forgotten shrine of Saint Eravo the Blessed. The stone statue held an offering bowl and a stone likeness of an Amulet of Virune. Tiodhloc placed his real amulet on the stone one, and made an offering of herbs to the bowl. The herbs incinerated themselves and his amulet glowed with the saint’s blessing. But what was the blessing???

Level One… Fight!

The team could already detect the undead moving about in the catacomb ahead. They entered the dark chamber, seeing dozens of dusty sarcophagi. And eighteen vampire wretches!

The battle was fast and furious. Hugo summoned clones and warped time. Ward shredded the air with burning arrows. Drew blasted the wretches with spear and fist. Rained exploded the undead with her hammer. Tiodhloc tore them apart with his spells. And Yakov Vanator leapt onto the sarcophagi in dramatic fashion, flinging his wooden stakes with (mostly) deadly accuracy.

They searched the chamber, finding it to be the 900-year-old resting place of Wise Queen Aurelia Dalca, and her family and retinue. There was little in the broken graves except a lone golden figurine of an owl.

The chamber sloped downward to another door, shattered and gaping, leading to another, deeper chamber.

And that’s where we ended!

DM Notes

Another solid session. We wrapped up the Rosette business pretty quickly, and I think everyone was satisfied with that part. Meeting Gavril at the bridge was fun, and Ward and Rainen seem keen to recruit him into their new ranger lodge. Ward also really liked his first encounter with the angel Kasimah, so I’m looking forward to developing that.

Meeting Yakov Vanator was also fun. It quickly raised a lot of questions about what had bitten him and whether they could save him. Tiodhloc waffled hard between trying to heal him and threatening to tie him up in the sunlight and leaving him to die.

The first battle in the catacomb went exactly as expected. The team cake-walked the wretches, which were basically minions. But they also took some damage and burned some spell slots. One keen-eyed player noted that he could see my thumbnails of the other four levels of the catacomb. I guess this made him nervous? Good!

Next session will be the rest of the catacomb, so a lot of dungeon delving and combat. My goal is to make the combats very intense without being very long. That usually means enemies who can do serious damage but don’t survive very long. We will see if that is the case next time!

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #5

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes went back to Rukesti to tell master vampire hunter Armand Vanator that they destroyed a village of vampires, gathered up some new clothes and armor, and then tried to spend the night in an old wind mill full of rose briars and vampire bones. But now they’re about to arrive in the village of Cherat…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Drew the Eldritch Knight – Level 5
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker – Level 5
  • Rainen the Beast Master – Level 5
  • Hugo the Knowledge Cleric/Time Wizard – Level 1/4
  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer – Level 5

Party Time? Excellent?

As the sun rose, Asmund saw not a disc of light but a compass ring and needle, with shafts of light pointing to the houses of Cherat. Hoping that this was a good sign from Virune, he led the party into the village. They saw hundreds of goats, and some festive ribbons, and signs of activity, but no people.

Drew tried to kick in a door, failed, and then turned the handle in a manly fashion. Inside, they found a young couple bound and gagged at their dinner table, with flower crowns on their heads and banners strung up that said, “All hail Dragoslava!” and “Nicoletta is the best!”

Once freed, the captives explained that two vampire women had come into town last night, tied everyone up, and decorated everything to stage a party to cheer up their mistress, the vampire knight Nicoletta. They would return tonight!

Everyone in town quickly gathered whatever they could carry and rushed off on the road, heading back north to Rukesti. Hopefully they could make the journey before the sun set, and before the vampires returned to Cherat.

The party briefly discussed the idea of staying in the village and trying to ambush, or at least observe, the vampire knight. But they decided caution was the better part of staying alive, and they bravely ran away to the south.

Night in the Woods

The party spent most of the day walking south toward Brishta, and then turned off the road to find a safe place to spent the night. Following Armand’s notes, they found a small stone cottage in the woods that seemed solid and isolated.

Here, Asmund seemed to get into an argument with himself. Then, while praying, an angelic form ripped free of his body. The man was now scarred and plain-looking, and introduced himself as Tiodhloc, or “Tee”. Apparently their new companion was two people in one body!

During first watch, Rainen saw a huge winged creature fly overhead. It raced north in a peal of thunder and lightning. During second watch, Tee and Drew heard a strange noise out in the woods, but decided not to investigate. During third watch, Ward saw a huge winged creature fly overhead. It raced south in a peal of thunder and lightning.

In the morning, the team compared notes. Rainen and Ward agreed that the dread wyvern they saw was tremendous and terrifying. They seemed all-the-more eager to capture one for themselves.

Tee and Drew went to investigate the noise they heard in the night. They found a strange scene. A deer had been killed, its skin removed and spread out on the frozen ground. The bones had been separated and laid out on the skin and ground. The meat and organs were gone, and little blood marked the area. Was this a vampire kill? A shamanic ritual? They decided to leave it untouched.

Monster Training

Before heading out, Rainen led the group in some animal training exercises. She taught her dire wolf Sasha to Rescue, Fetch, and Seek her teammates by sniffing them out and dragging them around the woods for a while.

Tee also had a little success teaching the ravenwolf puppy Bud to Hush on command.

Hooray for fun (and useful) shenanigans!

Ill Met in Brishta

The village of Brishta was destroyed by vampires 20 years ago, and the party discovered overgrown fields and broken stone walls. No surprises there. But the lanes between the ruins were full of fresh vampire ash piles. And also a severed human leg.

Rainen and Sasha followed the blood trail to a house where two women hid in the shadows. One one was lying down, covered in blankets. The other woman knelt beside her.

The party quickly learned that the woman on the ground was Rosette Vanator, and she had cut off her own leg last night after being bitten by a vampire. If only the party had arrived earlier to help! Her companion was named Bianca, and it was fairly obvious they were more than friends. Rosette insisted she was fine and the party should leave before they attract any attention. The party thought that was crazy talk and tried to insist on taking Rosette back to her father in Rukesti.

And then some baddies showed up.

Ward dashed out to chat with the strangers, but the strangers turned out to be a family of Shifters, fully transformed were-boars who were in no mood to chat.

Hack and Slash

The team ran out of the ruins to fend off the eight-foot-tall boar people. Tee quickly incapacitated three of them with a holy illusion. Ward fired silver arrows and slashed with the Eldritch Dagger (with the necrotic eye). Drew blasted the boars with the Eldritch Spear (with the force eye). Hugo created three duplicates, manipulated time and fate, blessed the fighters, and occasionally bumped people with his shield.

Meanwhile, Rainen unleashed a healing spirit, her Eldritch Hammer (with the psychic eye), and her dire wolf Sasha. Bianca also waded into the fray, transforming into a massive were-bear and tearing the face off one of the boars.

The were-boars did some terrific damage, but with half of them incapacitated for most of the battle, and with Hugo changing so many rolls to favor the party, they managed to kill all of the monsters without any losses.

And that’s where we ended!

DM Notes

This session was just about perfect. The team resolved the situation in Cherat very quickly, but they did talk about a few interesting options before running away (which was the smart play!). The overnight stay in the cottage was also quick and smooth, with lots of fun moments. Everyone liked seeing the dread wyvern, and the mystery of the dead deer, and playing training games with Sasha and Bud.

The discovery of Rosette Vanator was a little bumpy. After learning that she had been bitten by a vampire and cut off her own leg, the team was not very sympathetic to her tough-girl attitude and seemed pretty keen to forcibly take her home. I’m not sure what might have happened if the combat had not interrupted.

But the combat did interrupt! This was the first battle at Level 5, and I had high hopes that I had prepared a suitably challenging setup. Unfortunately, my players are too clever and well-prepared, and managed to nerf my were-boars at almost every turn. If the die rolls had gone in my favor, however, I think they would have been in serious trouble, even with help from Bianca and Rosette.

My sense from this fight was that I probably got the difficulty level right… I just happened to lose hard. I think the other dangers that are nearby are also appropriate, and hopefully the dice will make things a little scarier for the team next time.

Speaking of next time: Rosette, and then… the ruins of Castle Dalca?

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The Stygian Library: One-Shot

Last night we played D&D! More specifically, I ran a one-shot using The Stygian Library by Emmy Allen, and we had a fantastic time exploring a bizarre space full of strange characters in search of a mysterious book!

Play time: 4 hours

Adventurers – Level 3:

  • Alumur the Shadow Sorcerer
  • Lavender the Bladesinger
  • Pick Snap the Arcane Trickster
  • Yawgoo the Monk of the Astral Self

The Setup:

The wealthy Lady Witherfell asked the team to venture inside the Stygian Library and retrieve the Grimoire of Unnatural Philosophy for her. The reward? 1,000 GP!

Larger on the Inside

The party found the library on an unassuming street of crooked old rowhouses, and entered the Foyer to discover an aging but luxurious space of mahogany panels, brass fittings, and strangely glowing spheres of etheric vapor. The Gray Librarian at the front desk was not very helpful, as he was just covering for a fellow librarian and wanted to get back to his work downstairs. But he waved the party inside, assuring them they would (probably) find what they were looking for.

Down a narrow wooden corridor, the party found the Lounge where a number of university students, lost tourists, giggling cultists, and one dead gentleman perused the shelves. The tourists ran away and the students ignored the adventurers, so the party struck up a conversation with the dead man, an Archivist Lich who lived in the library, pursuing various projects. He claimed to have seen the Grimoire, so Pick Snap traded him a severed human hand in exchange for directions.

Violent Displays

A short stone passageway ended at a closed portcullis. Through the bars they saw a Lectern in a small dusty auditorium. A book rattled on the lectern. A rapier sparked on the floor. Yawgoo levered the portcullis up just enough for Alumur to slide under. Alumur took the rapier and tried prodding the rattling book. He also stared into the book’s pages and became enthralled with the idea of setting it free. But when he broke open two locks on the book, it flew into the air and bashed him in the skull, which slightly lowered his Intelligence. Lavender shot the book with fire, and Pick Snap shot it with an arrow, and the book died as books are wont to do. Alumur helped his friends remove the portcullis and move on.

They turned the corner into a Gallery of fish skeletons displayed in glass cases behind velvet ropes, all covered in spiderwebs. A pair of skeleton janitors were working to clean them off. But as the party asked for directions, three Ogre Spiders fell through the rotted ceiling and attacked! Some falling debris crushed one poor skeleton (Tommy!). The heroes quickly dispatched the spiders with a few firebolts and approached the next door, when they heard crossbows fire!


Entering the elegant Tea Room, they found two very serious people in black standing over two dead Yellow Librarians. Agents Moldy and Skuller were investigating various high crimes in the library, and revealed they had been trapped inside for three years (so far). Lavender distracted the agents for a moment so Pick Snap could search the bodies. He found a note indicating that something dangerous was in the basement. Alumur also discovered that the books in this room were arranged by height…so he jumbled a few.

The next room was a large Auditorium with thousands of books displayed around many tiers of seats descending to a lecture stage. A lone Yellow Librarian was reshelving books according to color. The party confronted the older fellow, Mister Spine, and demanded help in their quest. Mister Spine explained that the library tended to shift about and there was no way to know exactly what book was where, but as a Yellow Librarian (book keeper) he could instantly tell what books were in a room when he walked in. 

Mister Spine explained many things, including the fact that no old books are ever called “grimoires”, only modern edgelords title their books this way to sound ancient and deadly. A true old book might be called an enchiridion! Mister Spine was most dismayed by the heroes’ general disinterest in reading, and in word play. But the heroes were very interested in a person who could magically detect books, so they promptly abducted him.

Down and Downer

A straight staircase descended four or five stories to a cold stone chamber with a vaulted ceiling. Here they found a Mausoleum housing a black sarcophagus. Atop it sat four Educated Rats debating the nature of reality and perception. When the heroes approached to talk to them, the rats baffled them with their various arguments, and then attacked! Sadly, being rats, they were unable to do much damage to Yawgoo, though they did nullify his gravity and leave him tumbling through the air. But using many Astral and Mage hands, the team grabbed and squished the poor rats. 

Inside the sarcophagus, they found a pair of Gloves that allowed the wearer to grasp ethereal beings. Yawgoo pretended to hurl etheric energy at poor Mister Spine, who was so startled by the excellent miming that he slipped and bashed his head on a bookcase. Yawgoo tended to the librarian’s wounds, and then swaddled him in old clothes across his chest. With his “papoosified librarian” in place, they moved on.

Messy Machines

Pick Snap identified a series of trap devices in the descending corridor, so the party continued without incident. They arrived in a lower hallway echoing with mechanical sounds. In the first room, they saw a Red Librarian repairing a giant Printing Press. Mister Axle was unable to direct them to the Grimoire. But Pick Snap did assist him in clearing a paper jam from the machine. Unfortunately the giant wad of inky paper crashed into the control panel and caught on fire. Yawgoo put out the flames, and the soaked paper rose up on elephantine legs and advanced on him. As the monk bravely smacked the mushy Origami Golem, the casters incinerated it with firebolts.

Wary of everything now, the team skipped the room full of Ink Vats and the storage area with the Paper Bee hive and arrived at the Steam Vents where they saw a metal spiral stair going down. One by one, they ran through the room, dodging the blasts of scalding steam and the fragile Rust Moths. Alumur took a blast of steam to the arm, and several moths settled on his dagger, reducing it to a rusty ruin. The team then rested in the steamy room and managed to revive the Yellow Librarian, Mister Spine. Alumur discovered that there were in fact books in this room, encased in wax with metal pages, but he merely found a diary describing a mother’s arguments with her daughter.

New Fangled Nonsense

Down the spiral stair, they emerged in the center of a vast white room full of glass spheres glimmering with phantom lights. Mister Spine explained that this was the Research and Development area where they were trying to replace good old fashioned paper books with new-fangled soul-spheres. He did not approve! 

With no Grimoire in sight, the heroes proceeded through a giant arched doorway into a vast, complex laboratory where a Gray Librarian, Mister Shepherd, was experimenting on the phantom-spheres. Mister Shepherd immediately tried to usher the intruders back upstairs. Mister Spine began railing about the waste of library funds on this R&D nonsense, reducing the upstairs catering budget so they had to settle for finger-sandwiches instead of hand-sandwiches. 

Still not seeing the Grimoire, the party headed for the massive circular vault door in the wall. But as they approached, a creature descended from above. It was massive, long and spindly, having hidden its slender limbs among the pipes in the ceiling (I had just rewatched all of the ALIEN movies). Lavender was the only one to see the enormous hands descending to grab them. Yawgoo was lifted and bashed on the floor. Mister Shepherd was also lifted, and smashed to death. Mister Spine ran away screaming. As the Bandersnatch unfolded itself and climbed down, the team attacked. Pick Snap hurled an orb of acid that tore the monster in half, and Yawgoo body-slammed its neck into pulp.

Pick Your Brain

With that done, Pick Snap unlocked the vault door. Instantly, they heard shattering glass from inside the vault and a loud klaxon began to blare. Running into the vault, they saw human brains and spinal cords suspended in fluid, and a dark figure hiding in the back corner. The Floating Brains burst free of their jars and began hovering about, teleporting in and out of sight, and hurling the adventurers back with telekinesis. 

Battered by astral arms and magic missiles, the brains were soon dead and the figure emerged from the shadows… a tentacled Neurovore! The bizarre being lashed out with powerful psychic attacks, and healed itself by eating the dead brains on the floor. But Lavender caught the monster in a stone hand and then Yawgoo crushed it until it burst apart.

Among its possessions, the heroes discovered the Grimoire of Unnatural History. It proved to be a crudely scribbled journal written by the son of Lady Witherfell, full of embarrassing family secrets. And the lady was most pleased to have it returned to her… thirteen days later, when the party finally escaped from the Stygian Library!

DM Notes

Everyone had a great time playing, and I really enjoyed running. I only spent about 2 hours prepping the night before, rolling up the rooms and their contents, and trying to get the ideas all straight in my head. The content was wonderful, lots of great imagery and creatures. And it ran pretty smoothly, converting to 5E was quick and easy. I prepped 15 rooms and we explored 12 of them. 

It was definitely a little challenging for me to run content that I didn’t write myself, just because I’m so used to knowing a world inside and out. And I don’t know if I could run the Library as written, rolling up the rooms on the fly during the game. I need a little time to absorb things before I can run them well. Also, I personally like having a clear idea of a plot or connections between people and places. There are limits to my improvisational skills!

My group is already asking when we might run the Library again! I suggested that maybe different people should DM the Library each time, so we can experience it through different points of view. And when I mentioned that the author had also written Gardens of Ynn, they were all very excited to try that too. So thank you, Emmy Allen for your outstanding work!

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #4

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes arrived at Grashta, met a vampire hunter, saw a vampire knight on a dragon, and then burned down a village full of vampire vintners! Which means now they need to figure out how much danger they are in…

Play time: 4 hours


  • Drew the Eldritch Knight – Level 5
  • Ward the Gloom Stalker – Level 5
  • Rainen the Beast Master – Level 5
  • Hugo the Knowledge Cleric/Time Wizard – Level 1/4
  • Asmund the Divine Soul Sorcerer – Level 5

Where to Go?

We’re going to Brishta to find another missing vampire hunter! No, we’re going to the haunted crossroads to find a holy artifact! No, we’re going back to Rukesti to report on the whole burning-the-vampire-village business.

With that settled, the team (including Amelia Vanator) headed north to stay the night in Dinesti again and then proceed back to Rukesti to talk to Armand Vanator.

Pack Tactics

On the road, Ward noticed a pile of shiny, sparkly items in the woods. Coins, buttons, and beads! He led the group over, but did not approach. Asmund approached for him and started to pick up the loot. And he was immediately attacked by six strange creatures with the heads and wings of ravens and the bodies and legs of wolves. Ravenwolves!

A vicious battle broke out. Hugo froze some of the monstrosities in time. Sasha tore one to pieces. Rainen hurled hatchets. Drew spear-stabbed. Ward unleashed way too many arrows. And Asmund teleported to safety in a tree. Seconds later, the ravenwolves were dead!

But then Sasha heard something nearby. The huge direwolf led Rainen over to a small den under a dead tree, where she found a (now-orphaned) ravenwolf pup. The adorable little scamp mimicked her words and wagged his tail, and soon was eating out of her hand. She named him Bud and added him to her furry squad.

To Kill or Not to Kill?

Arriving in the one-family village of Dinesti, Amelia went off to chat with the locals while Asmund threatened the starving vampires sequestered in a nearby house. They passed the night peacefully enough, although Ward did hear the vampires scratching inside their house like before.

In the morning, Asmund again interrogated the dying vampires to learn more about the vampire knights Adrien, Nicoletta, and Lucien. It seems Adrien is the most ambitious one, trying to set up a vampire kingdom. And very few people have seen the queen Dragoslava lately.

Despite the vampires being very helpful, some heroes still wanted to kill them. The team then rehashed whether they would murderhobo these vampires, or whether there were moral shades of gray to be considered. Vampires are victims, they used to be people! Aren’t they technically undead monsters now? These vampires aren’t hurting anyone! Won’t they turn feral eventually?

While this was happening, professional vampire slaughterhouse and notetaking-enthusiast Amelia Vanator overheard them and came over. Learning that there were vampires here, she immediately wanted to kill them too. Eventually, compassion prevailed and the team headed out for Rukesti.

But somewhere on the road, Amelia slipped away from the party. When they noticed that Amelia was gone, they all looked back to see smoke rising from Dinesti. It appeared that Amelia circled back and burned the house sheltering the Vampire Liberation Front.

Town Time

Amelia rejoined the group just as they arrived in Rukesti. Ward, Drew, Hugo, and Rainen made a quick circuit of the local businesses to pick up their armor, clothing, and healing potions. Amelia headed back home to report to Armand. She described the great success of her plan to kill the vampires and earned the coveted “Armand’s shoulder pat of approval.”

Armand agreed that there was a danger of vampire retaliation. So he and Amelia made preparations to double the town watch and fortify against a coming assault.

On the Road Again

The team decided to get moving. They had a lot of places they wanted to visit! So they struck out eastward at mid-afternoon. Armand marked a few locations on their map where they might rest safely between towns.

As the sun set, a freezing rainstorm began. The team found one of Armand’s boltholes, an abandoned windmill. The stone tower seemed safe and normal, except for all the rose brambles inside.

Bloomin’ Corpses

During the night, the storm gradually abated. Drew had nightmares of being stabbed in the back by Baba Kruska. Then the clouds parted and the moonlight illuminated the old mill, and the rose blossoms began to open. Tiny spore-like motes floated up from the flowers, and the heroes began to choke and gasp.

With a little light, they quickly discovered a skeleton with fangs lying in the center of the brambles. The roses had grown out of the stake in the dead vampire’s chest. Drew approached, spear raised to strike. The corpse begged him to remove the stake. But when Drew pulled it out, the corpse began to rise up and reconstitute itself, so Drew re-staked it!

The corpse exhaled a cloud of toxic spores! So everyone coughed and clawed their way to the exit. Ward fired a flaming arrow into the corpse and ignited the remains. Minutes later, the tower was smoking, dark, and still.

Deprived of their Long Rest, the team continued down the road in the small hours of the morning. Just as the sun began to rise, they spotted the village of Cherat ahead.

And that’s where we ended!

DM Notes

So, lots of good stuff here. The ambush of ravenwolves was fast and interesting. Plus the discovery of the the puppy “Bud” was perfectly calculated adorableness. Everyone seemed glad to revisit town and get some supplies after the Grashta battle. The corpse in the mill worked really well as a creepy mini-puzzle, and as a way to disrupt their sleep and cause a little damage to keep them on their toes.

I was a little disappointed that the team changed their plan at the last minute to go back to Rukesti instead of the crossroads/Brishta, mostly because I had prepped a bunch of things for it. Obviously, none of that is wasted and it will be used later. I just was personally looking forward to those events because I had spent several days getting excited about them.

A few players made comments that they were having some struggles with their characters. It sounded like there was a disconnect between what they personally would do, or wanted to do, and what they thought their character would do, or should do. So I think I will check in with each of them individually this week to chat about this.

Next time: Cherat and beyond!

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TTRPG Poll: What should an adventure cost?

So I have a couple quick questions for you. Obviously, we all love free stuff. But if you had to assign a fair price to a (good) adventure module (PDF download, not in print), what would it be?

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